The Development of The Buddhist Leadership of Administrators of Industrail and Community Education Colleges in The Lower Northern Region, Thailand
Development, Buddhist LeadershipAbstract
The main objectives of this study were 1) to study contexts of leadership characteristics of Industrial and Community Education College administrators in the Region of Lower Northern, 2) to study Dhamma principles and leadership theory concerning the leadership of Industrial and Community Education College administrators in the Region of Lower Northern., and 3) to present the model of Buddhist leadership development of Industrial and Community Education College Administrators in the Region of Lower Northern. Research methodology was a mixed research methods by means of qualitative and quantitative researches. The quantitative research collected data from samples with questionnaires and analyzed data by using Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation and Factor Analysis by PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The qualitative research were conducted with in-depth-interviewing 25 key informants who were administrators, Buddhist academicians and leadership academicians in the Lower Northern Region. In addition, Data were collected by Focus Group Discussion and analyzed by descriptive interpretation.
The findings were as follows: 1. Influential Factors for Buddhist Leadership Development of Industrial and Community Education College Administrators in the Lower Northern Region were of 4 as ,1) Vision factors with 10 variables, 2) Skillfulness factors with 10 variables, 3) Relationship factors with 10 variables and 4) Moral Factors with 10 variables. 2. Dhamma principle integration for leadership development of the Industrial and Community Education College administrators in the Lower Northern Region was that the administrators must have wide vision, planning, deliberateness, decision-making, creativity, direction determination and analysis skill, new technology skills ,experience, diligence, patience, helpfulness, positive thinking, friendliness, volunteering mind, honesty, sincerity, truth, promise keeping, neutrality, empowerment, educational sponsoring, administration by Dhamma principles, reasonability, assessment concerning, reliability and Iddhipada 4 application. 3. Buddhist leadership development of Industrial and Community Education College administrators in the Lower Northern Region consisted of 4 important factors: 1. Vision factors Cakkhuma);consisting of vision development in organization to enhance knowledge and ability, planning skill and new ideas, 2. Skillfulness factors (Vidhuro); consisting of practicing in techniques and aptitudes, specialization, experience and tolerance, 3) Human relationship factors Nissayasampanno); consisting of politeness, diligence, work, friendliness, helpfulness and honoring others and 4. Moral factors (four Iddhipadas); consisted of reasonability in making decision, honesty, confidence and reliability, further education, assessment orientation.
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