The Integration of Buddhadhamma Principles for Transparency in the Management of Local Government Organizations


  • Phas Phassattha Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Surapon Suyaphrom Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thatchanan Isaradech Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


The Integrating of Buddhadhamma, Transparency, Local Administrative Organizations


          Objectives of this dissertation were to study the Integration of Buddhadhamma  for transparency In the management of Local Administrative Organizations by analyzing; 1) the situation and problem of management for transparency dimension, 2) to analysis The management of transparency in accordance to Buddhadhamma and 3) the integration of Buddhadhamma for transparent Management Model
            Findings of this research were as follows :
            1.The problems and obstacles of the Local Administrative Organization in the areas of transparency and application of Buddhadhamma for working transparency were of three issues; 1) rules, 2) regulations,3) laws for the administrative guidelines for administrators and personnel. The cooperation to create transparency consisted of three issues as 1) thinking together, 2) doing together and 3) checking together the administration of administrators and personnel. The responsibility to create transparency in administration consisted of 3 main principles as 1) self responsibility, 2) community and locality responsibility and 3) social responsibility in administration of administrators and personnel.
            2.The application of Hiri, the morql shame, Ottappa, moral dread and good governance to create the transparency consisted of 3 principles as 1) being ashamed to commit the wrong doing, 2) being afraid of doing wrong in administration. As for the application of Apparihaniyadhamma 7 to create the transparency in administration was as 1) regular meeting, 2) meeting and adjourning in harmony and performing activities to be done in harmony, 3) not to establish the new rules by abolishing the well established ones, 4) paying respect to the elders, regarding their words the worth listening to, 5) the women and girls of the families are to dwell without being forced or abducted, 6) respecting and worshipping local shrines and 7) providing the appropriate protection for Arahanta, the Sages.
          For the good and beneficial outcome of administration of administrators and personnel, there should be application of   Lokadhamma, the principles of good thinking and doing and Apparihaniyadhamma 7, the principles of cooperative working, respecting and honoring each others. These Buddhadhamma should be integrated with good governance, with rules of laws, with participation and responsibility to create the transparency in administration of Local Administrative Organizations, and 3. When Buddhadhamma was integrated with good governance to create the transparency in the Local Administrative Organizations, three principal administrative models would be gained. They were a model of the integration of Buddhadhamma with the rules of laws, participation, responsibility for the transparency in the Local Administrative Organizations, a model of integration of Buddhadhamma for transparency in administration  with the rules of laws, participation and responsibility and a model of integration of Buddhadhamma for transparency in the Local Administrative Organizations with the rules of laws, participation and responsibility. These models were appropriate to  be used for promoting transparency in administration, service of the Local Administrative Organizations, administrators and personnel for further sustainable development.


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

Phassattha, P., Suyaphrom, S. ., & Isaradech, T. . (2020). The Integration of Buddhadhamma Principles for Transparency in the Management of Local Government Organizations. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(3), 59–74. retrieved from