Leadership Development According to Buddhadhamma of the Personnels of Phrapiriyattitham Schools, General Education Section, Group 3
Leadership Development According, Buddhadhamma of Phrapiriyattitham Schools, General Education SectionAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study the leadership theory according to Buddhadhamma and that of the Western of personnels of Phrapiriyattitham Schools, General Education Section, Group 3, to study the general problems and the specific characteristics of the personal leadership By Buddhadhamma of Phrapiriyattitham Schools, General Education Section, Group m, and to propose the model of personal leadership development By Buddhadhamma for Phrapiriyattitham Schools, General Education Section, Group 3. Methodology was the mixed methods between qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research collected data from 18 key informants, purposefully selected from experts by structured In-depth Interview, collecting data by face-to-face interviewing, analyzing data by descriptive interpretation. Data were also collected from focus group discussion from 12 participants, analyzing data by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data with questionnaires from 156 samples who were 21 administrators and 135 practitioners Analyzing data by frequency, mean and standard deviation.
The findings:
- The concept of leadership by Buddhadhamma and Western theory of administrators of Pariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section, Group 3 was that; 1) The characteristics of leardership according to Papanikadhamma were at high level, secondly the Sanghasopanasutta, thirdly the characteristic of leadership of Anathapintika millionaire and the leadership for change. 2) Process of leadership development for effective working consisted of seminar and workshop and study tour. Pariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section, had good administration and administrators were praised and honored. There was empowerment in form of coordination and cooperation.
- The general problems and leadership of Pariyattidhamma Schools Group 3 were the problems of 1) Personnel finds that no stability for their lives, no welfare when compare between government officer 2) Budget its come from the
sacrificed and were helpful, kind, with loving kindness, vision, good relationship, responsibility and participative administration.
- The model of personnel leadership development of Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section, Group 3. The first were that Papanikadhamma; Chakhuma, good vision, Vithuro, skillfully work at professional level, Nissayasampanno, good relationship and good understanding, society creation powered by good human relationship was the most suitable. Secondly, Sangkhasophanadhamma; Visaratho, valiant and brave to face the problems, Vinito; good moral discipline, Viyatto; intellectual, wisdom and knowledge to work wisely, Dhammanudhammapatipanno; righteous practice at all circumstance and Phahusutto; learned, knowledgeable person with good memory. Thirdly, the characteristic leadership of Anathabhindhika millionaire; virtue, honesty kindness, diligence, wisdom and sacrifice. As for the leadership according to the Western leadership theory was the leadership for change, giving freedom to followers to work, encouraging followers to work effectively and efficiently, acting as a role model of peace and human right, being fair and just in working, being brave to change for the ethical standards and innovation for the betterment under the fluctuated situations and appropriateness to the environment of the School for survival. The leaders must apply Buddhadhamma in administration to create trust and faith for oneselves.
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