Model for Promotion of Informal Employment Based on the Buddhist Principle


  • Orapin Piyasakunkiat Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Jumnong Adiwattanasit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Naphat Kaewnak Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Employment, Informal sector, Buddhist Principle


The objective of this study were 1) to study the characteristics of the promotion model of informal employment by Theories of Employment and Buddhadhamma 2) to study the problems and obstacles of the promotion model of informal employment by Buddhadhamma 3) to propose a model for promotion of informal employment based on the Buddhist principle.

The research method was the mixed method research. Qualitative method was the main method supported by the quantitative method. For the qualitative research method, the data were collected by non-participatory observation, InDepth- Interview and Focus Group Discussion with 34 key Informants and

participants; 20 of them selected from informal employment sector in Bangkok, 8 from the employers, 4 from government offices, and 2 monks, purposefully selected. As for the quantitative research method, the data were collected by questionnaires with the reliable level at 0.96 and IOC value at 0.6 Statistics used for the data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Findings were as follows:

  1. The characteristics of the promotion of informal employment were that the nature of employment consisted of free styles, no official record, using verbal negotiation, daily employment, unfair payment and unstable incomes. The Buddhist Principle for promotion of the informal employment consisted of Four Brahmmavihara, Six Direction, Four Sangahavattthu, for the employer consisted of Four Iddhipada 2. The problems and obstacles of informal employment were (1) informal workers and employee not using the standardized measure for skill. (2) wages in hiring not use to the minimum standard depending on negotiation (3) ineffective law resulting in the risks and lacking of workers, right protection, working stability, insufficient incomes for living (4) lack of cooperation among the involved agencies and (5) the competition from unlawful foreign workers.
  2. A model for Promotion of Informal Employment Based on the Buddhist Principle. Should be a plural sector promotion; namely the participation among various sectors; state, employers, and informal sector and Buddhist Organization. These sectors had to work together to resolve the problem and develop quality of informal employment to have skill, social responsibility, morality, including the promotion of quality of work life, wages and welfare, and habitats to kindliness for informal sector.


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How to Cite

Piyasakunkiat, O. ., Adiwattanasit, J. ., & Kaewnak, N. . (2015). Model for Promotion of Informal Employment Based on the Buddhist Principle. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(2), 74–86. retrieved from