The Child Center Management Model Based on Buddhist Principles
Management, The child center, Buddhist principlesAbstract
The Objectives of this research were to: 1. Analytically study the generalcontext and problems of the child development center management, 2. Study theBuddhadhamma Integration for the child development center management and3.Propose a model for child development center management according toBuddhadhamma principles.Methodology was mixed methods between the qualitative and qualitativeresearches. The quantitative research collected data with questionnaires from 347samples, derived from 2,633 populations using Taro Yamane's formula, analyzeddata with the descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean and standarddeviation. The qualitative research collected data by two steps; step one, from 20key informants, purposefully selected from experts. The tool used to collect datawas the structured in-depth-interview scripts collecting data by face to faceinterviewing. Step two, data were collected by Delphi technique with 3 round datacollection,selecting questions with quartile ranges from 3.50 and inter-quartilerange lower than 1.50 and data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation.The findings were as follows:1) The Child Development Center got support from local administrativeorganizations and general public in management process, consisting of planning,daily activities, learning experiences enhancing, good friendship activities andpersonnel management to meet standard of the Child Development Centers andevaluation in line with educational development plan. The general context andproblems the Child development center were that the budget supported fromlocal administrative organizations and local people was not sufficient. But suchproblems were solved by the support from local administrative organizations andgeneral public in order to manage the Child Development Center to meet the settarget.2) Concepts, theories and Buddhadhamma principles to manage the centerwere concepts, theories, planning, organizing staffing, leadership and evaluationwhich could be integrated with Tisikkha: Sila, precept, Samadhi, concentration andPanna wisdom to integrate with the management of the Child Development Centerin the areas of physical structure, life experience activities, learning-teaching,atmosphere, relations and management By this way the Child Development Centerwould be the center for good behavior, good mind, wisdom, knowledge,understanding and reasons according to the Buddhadhamma principles.3) Delphi experts indicated that the management of the Child DevelopmentCenters should update the quality of participatory planning management shouldbe practical and measurable, covering the physical, emotion, mental, social andwisdom. It should up-grade the capacities of organizations as well as that ofpersonnel with new technology creating confidence, systematic motivation andparticipation with new, modern and efficiency proposed model for the child centeraccording to Buddhadhamma was to up-grade the quality of participatory planningthat was practical and manageable in reality, consisting of physical, emotional,mental social and intellectual development, including effective organizational andpersonnel management with new technology, development of the effective,balanced, stable, sustainable and could actually solve the problems according toBudhadhamma principle.
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