The Implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Reduce Inequality in Society


  • Kamonporn Kanlayanamit คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบรี


Sufficiency, Economy Philosophy, Reduce


The research titled" The implementation of sufficiency economyphilosophy reduce inequality in society," the objective of this research 1) to studythe demographic towards bringing philosophy to reduce inequality in society 2) tostudy the level of cognition, activity dissemination and the living accordancewith philosophy of sufficiency economy. 3) to study the public opinion on theimplementation sufficiency economy of philosophy to reduce inequality insociety. The quantitative research mixed with a qualitative research. Questionnaireas a tool to collect data from a sample of 400 samplings and is strengthened bythe unstructured interview from a sample of 12 samplings in four districts studiedby the Bangrak, Phayathai, Bangkhen and Nongkhaem district. When collectinginformation from questionnaires completed by a given amount and then analyzedwith a statistical computer program,and qualitative research using descriptivestatistics.The results of quantitative research found that : sufficiencyeconomy activity dissemination in the middle level, cognition and the livingaccordance with philosophy of sufficiency economy in the low level. Theimplementation of sufficiency economy philosophy reduces inequality in society,economic, psychological and social aspects in the agreed.The results of the qualitative research showed that : all samples areknowledgeable about sufficiency economy philosophy and used as a guide in life as well


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How to Cite

Kanlayanamit, K. (2016). The Implementation of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Reduce Inequality in Society . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(1), 217–230. retrieved from