The Development of Academic Personnel’s competency in the Northeastern Rajabhat University of Thailand
: Policy, Development, competencyAbstract
The research were of four objectives: 1) to study the effectiveness ofdeveloping an academic personnel's competencies in the northeastern Rajabhatuniversity of Thailand 2) to study levels of opinion on influencing factors affectingthe effectiveness of developing an academic personnel's competencies in thenortheastern Rajabhat university of Thailand 3) to analyze the causal factors whichaffected the effectiveness of developing an academic personnel's competencies inthe northeastern Rajabhat university of Thailand 4) to construct a developmentmodel of the effectiveness of developing an academic personnel's competencies inthe northeastern Rajabhat university of Thailand. The research sample wasacademic personnel'12 Rajabhat universities in the Northeastern region of Thailand.Sample size was specified by the advanced sampling formula; that is, one unit ofvariables was multiplied with not less than 20 samples in the stratification samplingformat. Data informants were 540 academic personnel consisting of academicofficials and academic staffs. The research instrument used for data collection wasa questionnaire with five rating scale and a questionnaire with the measurablestandard of Rubric scale. Statistics used in the data analysis were descriptivestatistics, Pearson correlation and stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.Besides, in terms of qualitative dimension of the so called mixed research, its othertool was an in-depth interview of the 20 purposed experts on the academicpersonnel's competency; the qualitative data were analyzed by the contentanalysis. For model verification, the model was reviewed by 24 professionals andanalyzed by descriptive statistics and subsequently adjusted to be reliably better.The findings were as follows:1. The effectiveness of developing academic personnel's competency inthe northeastern Rajabhat universities of Thailand, as a whole, was at mediummean level. All dimensions of dependent variables were found at medium meanlevel.2.The academic personnel's attitudes on factors affecting theeffectiveness of developing academic personnel's competency in the northeasternRajabhat universities of Thailand, as a whole, was found at the high level; in termsof each aspects, the seven elements was found at high mean level in thebescending order as follows: task - oriented organization structure, personnel'schievement motivation, core purpose - based organization structure, missionfocused organization culture, organization development, hierarchical controlling-focused organization structure and personnel's ability to integratetechnology intoworking respectively.3. A factor affecting development of academic personnel's competency inthe northeastern Rajabhat universities of Thailand at the highest mean level washierarchical controlling based organization structure (0.829) mission - orientedorganization culture (0.398) education (0.370) personnel's achievement motivation(0.325) outstanding task - directed organization structure (0.192) organizationstructure of efficient controlling and commanding (0.138) task - based organizationstructure (0.165) academic personnel's efficient ability to integrate technology intoworking (0.056) training and coaching (0.049) participatory culture (0.045)organization development (0.037) positive attitude to career (-0.098) knowledge andskills of personnel (-0.046) key purpose - based organization (-0.137) structure andrule - focused organization culture (-0.203) formality - emphasized organizationculture (-0.286) and personnel development (-0.851) respectively. The possibilitiesvariables could explain the variance of the effectiveness of developing an academicpersonnel's competencies in the northeastern Rajabhat university of Thailand for97.20% (R2=0.972, F=854.704) by statistically significant at .05 level.4) The model of development of academic personnel's competency in thenortheastern Rajabhat universities of Thailand consisted of 1) national developmentpolicy, university support and development policy and self -development policy.Policies aim to being continuously complemented and emphasize development ofbudgetary management, human resource management, learning organizationdevelopment for further progress. In addition, development as well as support ofpersonnel for more education and training and with motives to job - performanceachievement is realized concretely.
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