Factors Affecting Buddhist Social Way-of-Living: A Case Study on the People’s Way-of-Living in Accordance With Buddhist Doctrines in the Municipality Community of Lopburi Province


  • Happy Chanthachuto ภาควิชาสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี


Ways-of-Living, Buddhist Society’s Ways-of-Living, Buddhist Doctrines, Municipal Community


The object for the research of factors affecting Buddist Society's ways-of-living in a case-study on the ways-of-living according to Buddist Doctrines of peoplein the municipality community of Lopburi Province is the study of important factorsaffecting their ways-of-living and their consistency to the confiscation in the socialmunicipality community of Lopburi Province. The research employs mix-methodology in both quantitative and qualitative analysis, statistical-descriptiveanalysis and factors analysis. The samples used in the research consist of 360heads-of-family in the municipality community of Lopburi Province. But, for thequalitative analysis the researchers stress on in-depth-interview of experts of 8social leaders of the Community.The researchers find in the case-study that factors affecting BuddistSociety's ways-of-living in the municipality community of Lopburi Province areproblems which most people cannot do ; i.e. getting for one-self freedom, releasingone-self from the life and death circle, and overcoming of materialism. The meanvalve for this factor is X(2.6416). The next factor is the problem of workingintelligently, being polite and not stubborn, ready to accept other people'sopinion; care for neatness, cleanliness and tidiness ; talking sweetly, gently and notbeing rude; the mean value for this factor is X (2,600); lastly, the factor of non-sexual indulgence. Good behavior and discipline, living a Punja-Sila way of life,The research results by factor-analysis find that The factor mast affectingBuddist Social ways-of living and a case study of the ways-of-life according toBuddist Doctrines for peoples belonging to the municipal community of LopburiProvince, consist of two factor; i.e. the factors most affecting a happy life compriseof 18 variable having variable-weight ranging from 0.571, an Eigen values of 20.282,and the percentage of variable explainable by the first factor is 67.606. Then, this isthe most important factor. The second factor is the problem of the virtues of self-living, which comprises of 12 variables with variable-weight between 0.796 and0.609 and on Eigen values of 1.170. The percentage of variables explainable by thesecond factor is 3.898. So, this factor is the second -most important factor.


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How to Cite

Chanthachuto, H. (2016). Factors Affecting Buddhist Social Way-of-Living: A Case Study on the People’s Way-of-Living in Accordance With Buddhist Doctrines in the Municipality Community of Lopburi Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(1), 109–122. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/245341