The Development of Model for the Management in Learning and Teaching Buddhism in Secondary School of Nakhonsithammarat Province
Development, Model for the ManagementAbstract
Objectives of this research were to : 1) to study the teaching of Buddhismin secondary schools, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, 2) to study the concept,theories about the development of teaching Buddhism 3) to present thedevelopment of management teaching religion in secondary schools. Nakhon SiThammarat province.Research methods are combined (Mixed Methods Research) betweenqualitative research , used in-depth interviews from the key data of 25 personsto elementary development before presentation to discussion groups (focusgroup discussion) then taking the data to quantitative research that used surveyresearch (Qualitative Research) from a sample of 381 persons by simple randomsampling. Data were collected by questionnaires. Analysis of qualitative data,analysis data from documents,observation without participation, depth interviews,use a descriptive data analysis and context, statistical analysis of data on thefrequency, percentage ,average and standard deviation .The results showed that1. Conditions and problems of management for teaching Buddhism insecondary schools, Nakhon Si Thammarat province found that 1) managementin learning and teaching , it was lacked of teacher and not balanced of students,2) the media and knowledge sources, it was not interesting, learning and teachingare outdated, feeling sleepy and boring 3) environment of learning , a buildingused for teaching was inadequate. Lack of conference rooms, an audiovisualroom, science room, nurse room, held individually in separate places, it was lesslearning environment 4) teaching activities it was not inspiring teaching andlearning activities, students become bored and sleepy,teaching activities was simple5)The evaluation was the lack of authentic assessment and evaluation, withoutvaluation of teachers who taught Buddhism.2.Theories of the development teaching Buddhism found that 1) theMinistry of Education has proposed a revised high school curriculum in 2524 B.E.(Revised Edition 2533). The course has changed to a more nuanced harmonies.Buddhism was added as the elective subject in social studies,two class periods perweek throughout the semester as one unit. All students who were Buddhistrequired to learn more by focusing development in areas such as real knowledgeand understanding of the content. The corrected attitude towards Buddhism, faithand realizing the importance of Bhuddism on society. And can perform their dutiesproperly Buddhist as well as leading Buddha teaching principles into practice indaily life. To develop themselves and society Buddhism is an elective course insocial studies, including 8 by a group of social studies. The course is intended tocreate a national citizen's quality. It can be a solution and is able to adapt to a normal social environment, it is social studies education about human beings. Theaim is to produce people able to live in a society that has changed. Both theeconomy and society over time. To develop the knowledge, skills, values, feelings,or good for society. The objectives of upper secondary social studies curriculum.3.Development of the management style of teaching Buddhism insecondary schools, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province found that 1) personnelmanagement, the executive of education must support teachers to teachBuddhism more for learner appropriately 2) The use of media and resources,Teachers need instructional materials to suit the location of the school, which iswell equipped. The clergy were highly skilled instructors can prepare lesson plans,production continues to support teachers and teaching are completely equipped3).learning environment, teachers, school administrators, should provide thebudget, find out for the external budget support, support the learning atmosphere,and prepare for good media. 4) teaching activities, in the classroom, teaching in anonline format, media attention and motivate learners 5) The measurement andevaluation, the instructors bring knowledge from teacher to support themeasurement and evaluation, according to the school curriculum.
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