knowledge management, community, local wisdomAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study and search for the community’s local wisdom and to study the patterns of community management of Khlongluang District, Pathum Thani. This research was the Qualitative Research by the people in three sub-districts (Khlong Sam, Khlong Ha, and Khlong Hok). Informants were 20 people and data collection by in-depth-Interview, Focus Group Discussion, Observation, Recording images, videos and Community forum, Workshop. Data were analyzed using triangulation methods. The results showed the sources of the local wisdom as follows- the wicker wears, matting, pickled bamboo shoots, and water-wheels were found in Khlong Sam sub-district, the crisp fried noodles with cedrat and chilli paste were found at Khlong Ha, and the wicker wear, golden-colored handicrafts, Thai Sweet Cereal Bar, three-colored boiled sticky rice, and herbal crisp cornflakes were found at Khlong Hok. However, the patterns of community management were 1) knowledge identification 2) knowledge acquisition 3) knowledge sharing 4) knowledge storage and 5) knowledge transferring.
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