Research synthesis Concerning the Ways of Learning According to the Principle of Tisikkha


  • Thirayut Phuengthian


Learning; Education; Tisikkha


The research on “Research synthesis Concerning the Ways of Learning According to the Principle of Tisikkha” aims at study, (1) Synthesize, compile, and summarize ways of learning management on Tisikka amongst administrators and lecturers in primary school, secondary and University level, (2) Synthesize, compile, and summarize the characteristics of the expected students of the administrators and lecturers teachings in
the level of primary, secondary and University. (3) Synthesize, compile, and summarize teachings conditions of the institutions based on opinions of the students from the tree level (primary, secondary and University) of which the studies being divided into three mini-research projects included of : learning process based on Tiskkha in the level of primary, secondary and University. These three levels used the same methodology in
terms of surveying the three sample groups e.g Director of the Institution, teacherslecturers and students. Then, the results of the three levels being taken to synthesize.


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How to Cite

Phuengthian, T. . . (2020). Research synthesis Concerning the Ways of Learning According to the Principle of Tisikkha. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 1(3), 30–37. retrieved from