Model of Administrative Ethic Promotion According to Good Governance for Leaders of Local Organization At Lower Northern Region


  • ไพศาล เครือแสง หลักสูตรพุทธศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Model, The Moral Support Of The Administration, Good Governance, Local Government, Northern Region


The objectives of this study were 1) to study the concept, theory and appropriate Buddhadhamma that promotes the ethical administration in accordance with the principles of good governance of the Sub-District Administrative Organizations, 2) to study the ethical principles of governance at the local administrative organizations at the lower Northern Region and 3) to propose a model that promotes moral support of the administration, according to the principles of good governance of local administrative organization leaders at the lower Northern Region. Methodology of the research was mixed method between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative research collected data from 30 key in formants, purposefully selected from experts and stakeholders in promoting the moral support for administration in accordance with good governance at local administrative organizations at lower Northern Region. The tool used to collect data was structured in-depth-interview, collecting data by face-to-face in-depth - interviewing. Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data from 118 samples out of 166 people who lived at 4 local administrative organizations that received outstanding awards. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; percentage, mean and standard division, SD. 

Findings were as follows: 1. Concepts, theory and Buddhism doctrines that promote ethical administration in accordance with principles of good governance of the Sub-District Administrative Organizations were that, 1) Rule of Laws and Sila, Precepts, the contents of this pair were laws, rules and regulations, behavioral manner in organizations and ethics for organization good leaders, 2) Moral principles and Wisdom; the moral system governs all right and clear behaviors. The ethical root is in the sense of belonging to the locality, humankinds, not taking advantages of others and society, 3 Transparency and Sila; the disclosure of information, working process and budget for inspection, both quantitatively and qualitatively, 4) Participation and Pahuchajja, the quality of learned person; this related to many laws indicating people's participation in every step of administration, 5) Responsibility and Faith; the bravery in what one has done and dare to be responsible for the consequences that might effect people, 6) Values for money and Viriyarampa, Exertion, the honesty in using budget economically, use budget to create goodness, reduce evils, selfishness and sacrifice for the benefits of others in general. (2) The status of ethical principles of governance at the local administrative organizations at lower Northern Region, by aspects were that, 1) rule of Law 2) rule of ethics 3) rule of transparency 4) rule of participation 5) rule of primary responsibility and 6) the main value for money, by overall were at high level with the average of 3.67, the creation of Good governance's manual in the organization was at moderate level. (3) The model of moral support in accordance with the principles of good governance of the local administrative organizations at the lower Northern Region were that 1) Rules of laws and Sila; to encourage ethics by good policy, work plan, and projects and support budget to promote ethics of the local administrative organizational leaders, 2) Transparency and Morality; to train people in inspection techniques so that people would know how to inspect the organizations working system. This could be done by public relations through newsletter, wire telecast and community meeting, 3) Responsibility and Faith; to implant the responsibility conscience of ethical leaders to prevent corruption, 4) Values for money and Exertion; Administration for the whole, for the benefits of people by reducing resources using that was fir for projects as planed by the organizations, 5) Participation and Pahuchajja; Creating participative system for people to participate in policy formulation, planning, and project management. This process must come from people's need which is the heart of the administration and 6) The model of moral support of local administrative organization leaders is to always use virtue with wisdom and promote peoples' education.


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

เครือแสง ไ. (2015). Model of Administrative Ethic Promotion According to Good Governance for Leaders of Local Organization At Lower Northern Region. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(1), 205–220. retrieved from