Buddhism, environmental conservation, the disciplineAbstract
Buddhism has played a key role in the conservation and preservation of nature according to the rules of Buddhist law that Buddha legislated to use as the regulations for Sangha administration and to set a good example for people to live their lives in moderation coinciding with the law of nature and environment. To live the life according to the laws of nature is the way to protect the nature and environment as well as Dhamma practicing which is the beneficial for both the nature and the society. When monks practiced according to the Vinaya, the society would be peaceful and trouble-free. This could be said that the benefits of Vinaya, the rules and regulations to the society would be as follows;(1) creating the disciplines for society by the good examples from the monks,(2) When monks do not destroy forests, this would induce peaceful and harmonious living in society and (3) to give faith and confidence in the conducts of the clergy and follow the example. It can be seen that natural resources are important to the lives of human beings, animals and plants. They must be kept in the equilibrium of ecological system. Monks are one part of society living their lives according to the Vinaya, the rules and regulations. The Vinaya by which the monks abide muts by coincided with the laws of natures and environment. How much can Vinaya be applied to the laws of nature and do monks who protect and conserve the nature and environment break the Vinaya or not ? The answer could be found by comparison of the natural and environmental contents with that of the Vinaya, the rule and regulations.
๑. ภาษาไทย
(๑) หนังสือ
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(๒) วารสาร
พระธรรมโกศาจารย์ (พุทธทาส อินทปญโญ), พระสงฆ์กับการอนุรักษ์ป่า, ในนิตยสารเสขิยธรรม ปีที่ ๒ ฉบับที่ ๔ มกราคม กุมภาพันธ์ ๒๕๓๕.
๒. ภาษาอังกฤษ
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