The Model of Leadership According to Buddhism of Administrators in Buddhist University of Thailand
Model, Leadership, Administrators Thailand Buddhist UniversityAbstract
Education Research Leadership by Buddhist monks, university administrators of Thailand. 3 objectives were 1) to study the state of leadership by the harmonies of the university disciplines, Thailand 2) to study Buddhist doctrines that promote leadership based on principles of the university disciplines, Thailand 3) to offer. Leadership by Buddhist monks, university administrators of Thailand. Research Result 1. Study of Leadership by Buddhist monks, university administrators Thailand's overall averagewas high, considering the profile found. There are also scores high level in all dimensions, by category, with an average elevation are. The Vision Leaders set thedirection to the organization's operations. The destination is clear and participationin management. The Savvy Industry leaders are intent The problems arising fromoperational duties as assigned full capacity. And interpersonal Officers to assistothers whenever possible. And check assignments To work effectively. 2. The Buddhist doctrines that promote education, leadership by Buddhist monks of Thailand found that the university administration has three aspects. The vision iscoming optic means having far-sightedness in the administration. There are sevenmain Sappuris fair promotion. Proficiency is defined as the moon Robertomanagement skills. Specializations There are four main achievement bahtpromotion. And Nissan is an interpersonal relationship Pan's meant to be human.There are four main Sangahavatthu material support. This is an important factorinpromoting leadership of the executive. The third element, such as would lead to the promotion of university administrators to more effectively ecclesiastical Thailand. 3. Presentation leadership style along the Buddhist monks of Thailandfound that university administrators. The leaders directed the operations of theorganization. The destination is clear and participation in management. It is aleadership that strengthens the organization by creating a team with a plan toimprove the functioning rationally vigilance resulted leaders to assist otherspatience and determination. The problems arising from operational duties as
assigned full capacity. Contribute to the promotion of the university disciplinesThailand even further.
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