
  • Sirirat Chaona Khonkaen University
  • Maitree Inprasitha Khonkaen University
  • Narumon Changsri Khonkaen University
  • Kiat Sangaroon Khonkaen University


Professional Competencies, Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher, Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Framework (SEA-TCF)


The objectives of this research article to investigate the professional competencies of pre-service mathematics teacher. This research used qualitative method. The target group were 44 mathematics student teachers who studied in Faculty of Education from 2 universities in the central region of Thailand. They had taught in schools for a year in 2019 academic year. The research instruments were consisted of (1) Self-assessment form based on the competency framework, (2) Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Framework (SEA-TCF) interview form. Data were analyzed by a packaged software using statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and then analyzed by a content analysis Research results revealed that (1) First characteristic of professional competency required in knowledge and understanding of teaching was in the trainee level or target groups just starting to do this, but need to learn more. This characteristic was averaged of 2.20 and standard deviation was 0.653. (2) Second characteristic of professional competency required in helping students to learn was in the trainee level or target groups just starting to do this but need to learn more. This characteristic was averaged of 2.47 and standard deviation was 0.690. (3) Third characteristic of professional competency required in community participation was in the trainee level or target groups just starting to do this but need to learn more. This characteristic was averaged of 2.20 and standard deviation was 0.809. (4) Fourth characteristic of professional competency required in self-development to be a better teacher in every day was in the level of the practitioner or doing this well. This characteristic was averaged of 2.64 and standard deviation was 0.719.


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How to Cite

Chaona, S., Inprasitha, M., Changsri, N., & Sangaroon, K. (2020). PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 9(4), 1–13. retrieved from