The Development of Administrative Model on Vocational Innovative and Invention Research toward the Vocational Education Excellence


  • ณัฐนันท์ ชุมแก้ว
  • จินดา ศรีญาณลักษณ์


Innovative and Invention Research, Excellence, Administrative


The purposes of this research were to investigate the development of an administrative model on vocational innovative and invention research toward vocational education excellence. The methodology of this research consisted of five steps: 1) Analyzing documents of the administrators who were successful, 2) Constructing the model 3) Developing the model for 3 times from the sample used of 19 vocational innovative and invention research administrative experts, derived by means of purposive sampling. They were asked to review by Delphi technique questionnaires. The statistics used for the data analysis were median and interquartile range. 4) Appropriate administration model was finally rated by the sample of 265 administrators of Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Then, the final statistics used to analyse data were the mean and standard deviation; 5) Summarizing, discussing and presenting the findings of this research.

The results of the study found that
1. The most appropriate model of vocational innovative and invention research toward the vocational education excellence of Office of the Vocational Education Commission institutions according to the experts are as follows: 1) Administrative Structure 2) Administration Strategy 3) Research staff 4) Innovation Management Systems and 5) Shared Value
2. The model of Vocational Innovative and Invention Research toward the Vocational Education Excellence must including ; the vocational innovative and invention research administrative structure should be divided into provincial, regional and national levels, respectively; is the action plan of innovative and invention research; should be open-minded toward both coworkers and masters; should be focused on sustainable system design; and feature occurs as each institution should motivate sense of belonging from all staff on innovative and invention researches.
3. The model of Vocational Innovative and Invention Research toward the Vocational Education Excellence were high appropriate all the component.


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How to Cite

ชุมแก้ว ณ. ., & ศรีญาณลักษณ์ จ. . (2020). The Development of Administrative Model on Vocational Innovative and Invention Research toward the Vocational Education Excellence. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 1007–1018. retrieved from