The Development of the Knowledge Management Model for Academic Administration Research on Educational Quality Development for Secondary School in the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 8


  • วรรณภา งอกนาวัง
  • ปรีชา วิหคโต


the Development of the Knowledge Management Model / Academic Administration Research on Educational Quality Development


The aim of this research was to development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school in the office of secondary education service area 8. The research methodology was divided into four parts. First, frame work. Second, Study of current conditions, problems and needs about development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school in the office of secondary education service area 8. Third, the creation of development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school in the office of secondary education service area 8. Fourth, Evaluation of development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school in the office of secondary education service area 8. The consisted of documentary of development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school and 29 secondary schools in Kanchanaburi. The respondents were 290 school administrators and personnel responsible for academic administration research on educational quality development. 3 experts to educational administration and 9 experts to academic administration. The research instruments used were questionnaire, focus group discussion data record, and evaluation form possibility. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, and inter quartile range.

The research findings revealed that:
1. The results of study of current conditions, problems and needs about development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school was basic information in educational institution divide responsibility into learning area, which are responsible for knowledge management, internal responsibility, structure based on school size, top level management, middle level and operational level management. There is no knowledge management system for research, only knowledge management such as quality assurance, educational quality development, plan and policy, and research and development. Most of personnel responsible for academic administration was 45 years old up and experience for knowledge management 1-3 years. Teacher position and middle level management were similar proportions.
2. The results of creation of development of the knowledge management model for academic administration research on educational quality development for secondary school in the office of secondary education service area 8 consisted of 7 steps :

2.1 Knowledge Identification 2.2 Knowledge Creation and Acquisition 2.3 Knowledge Organization 2.4 Knowledge Codification and Refinement 2.5 Knowledge Access 2.6 Knowledge Sharing 2.7 Learning


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How to Cite

งอกนาวัง ว. ., & วิหคโต ป. (2020). The Development of the Knowledge Management Model for Academic Administration Research on Educational Quality Development for Secondary School in the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 8. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 793–808. retrieved from