The Roles of Buddhist Monastery in Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly : A case Study of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram, Damnoensaduak District, Ratchaburi Province


  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์ทรงพรรณ ชยทตฺโตและคณะ


Roles of Buddhist Monastery, Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly, Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram


The objectives of research were 1) to study the development towards the Quality of Life for the Elderly, 2) to analyze the present state and the demand of people in Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram, 3) to present the guideline for the role development of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaramin Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly. It was the mixed research method that the quantitative research used the questionnaire as the tool to collect the data in the field study from 299 people in the area of Pangpuay Sub District, Damneonsaduak District, Ratchaburi province. The statistics were used for the data analysis through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D), T-test, F-test, One-way Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference: LSD. And the qualitative research had the documentary analysis and interview as the tool to collect the data in the field study from15 key informants and analyzed the data through the content analysis technique.The Findings of Research found that;  

1. The development towards the Quality of Life for the Elderly based ongeneral academic principle and Buddhism way were along together that development towards the Quality of Life for the Elderly based on general academicprinciple, found that (1) The health had the focus on responsibility to health,nutrition and exercise. (2) The economy had the focus on financial planning, account and budgetary management and expenditure reduction. (3) The social relation had the focus on social activities participation to help the creation of the relation with others. (4) The family relationship had the focus on the adjustment of the elderly and members in the family and communication in the family. (5) The attitude in living had the focus on good mentality and environmental adjustment. For the development towards the Quality of Life for the Elderly according to Buddhism, found that (1) The health had the focus on proper physical and mentality. (2) The economy had the focus on living principle of householders’ happiness. (3) The social relation had the focus on behaving to other according to Sanghahawaththudhamma. (4) The family relationship had the focus on practicing with members in family along with Prommaviharadhamma. (5) The attitude in living had the focus on practicing through insight meditation as knowing as the real fact of body with wisdom.

2. The findings of present state analysis in Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram, found that in overall was at good level (xˉ =3.73). When considered in each side, found that the family relationship was at the middle level (xˉ = 3.38). But other sides were at good level. However, the findings from the analysis of people demand to Development the Quality of Life for the Elderly of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram, found that the attitude in living was the highest level (xˉ =4.90). But others were at good level
and the research hypothesis found that income of people had the effect on people demand to Development the Quality of Life for the Elderly of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram differently at statistic significantly 0.05.
3. The guidelines for the role development of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram in Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly consist of; (1) The health: is the knowledge advertisement process development for healthcare according to Buddhadhamma to the elderly and general persons to television station, radio station or broadcast. (2) The economy: is to train the knowledge about additional career who are the elderly to come to practice the meditation by living out of meditation time. (3) The social relation: is to have Buddhist art activity to help to have the relaxation, merry and mental happiness to the elderly who come to practice mediation with general people. (4) The family relationship: is the community center for arranging the important day about family institution such as aging day, family day, mother day, father day etc. and (5) The attitude in living: is to set up the meditation practicing center of Thailand to be the center for calmness and insight meditation to the elderly in Thai society by having the main mission is to the elderly who come to practice meditation to know the real fact of body with wisdom according to Trilaksana or three common characteristics. Moreover, this research has the main suggestion is to set up the elderly school by cooperation with three key organizations such as 1) Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya University Ratchaburi college campus 2) Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram 3) Health Fund Supporting Office.


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How to Cite

ชยทตฺโตและคณะ พ. . (2020). The Roles of Buddhist Monastery in Developing the Quality of Life for the Elderly : A case Study of Wat Luang Phor Sod Dhammakayaram, Damnoensaduak District, Ratchaburi Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 735–752. retrieved from