Role and Duty of Subdistrict Headmen and Village Headmen, Community DevelopmentAbstract
The role means the people’s behavior has occurred intentionally or compulsively in the position of responsibility, but the latent behavior of each person, it can perform multiple roles. In the same time, we can not play many roles. People in different societies are different. Normally, people in any status will play a consistent role with the expected social. The status is the structure of society. So, people should understand their roles well, the role is the duty or pattern of behavior that a person must act when one is on the status or position. That action or behavior pattern as a result of the hope of other people in society includes the opinion of the incumbent or the action on duty and their rights according to their status in society (Sumalee Rammak 2009: 39). The article on the role and duty of subdistrict headmen and village headmen to community development is intended to describe; (1) the meaning of the role, (2) the importance about the role, (3) the meaning of the community development, (4) principles of the community development, (5) guidelines for the performance of subdistrict headmen and village headmen on community development and (6) the result of the study.
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