Model of the Administrators, Education, Buddhist Oriented SchoolsAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study the components, development, assessment and acceptance of educational administration of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The data were collected from 402 samples in 67 schools by; 1) structured in-depth- interviewing, 2) rating-scale questionnaire, and 3) assessment form. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory analysis, and content analysis. The findings of the study were found that: 1. The components of educational administration of administrators in Buddhist based schools consist of 4 sub-components; 1) Academic Administration,
2) Budget Administration, 3) Personnel Administration, and 4) General Administration. The second main component consists of 7 sub-components; 1) Lovely, 2) Respectful, 3) Praiseful, 4) Reasonable, 5) Verbal Tolerance, 6) Able to explain complicated topics and 7) To avoid frivolous talk. 2. The findings of the development of educational administration of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools under Department of Education, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration by using 7 principles of Kalyana Dhamma as the components had the harmony and relevance with empirical data. The model validity can be concluded that Chi-square=22.96, df=15, p=0.0849, GFI=0.99.3. The assessment findings of the educational administration model of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools were at the high level overall ( =4.58). The model was certified by the experts to accept the higher development model at 90.80% .
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