
  • สุวัฏ สอนจันทร์
  • ธิติวุฒิ หมั่นมี
  • บุษกร วัฒนบุตร


Administrative Effectiveness, Conservation of Natural Resources and The Environment, Buddhadhamma


The objectives of this study were: 1.To study the effectiveness of natural resources and environmental conservation management of the municipalities in Nonthaburi Province. 2. To study the factors that affected the effectiveness of natural resources and environmental conservation management of the municipalities in Nonthaburi Province and 3. To propose a model of effectiveness of natural resources and conservation management according to Buddhadhamma of the municipalities in Nonthaburi Province. Methodology was the mixed methods between the quantitative and qualitative researches. The quantitative research collected data by questionnaires with total confidence value of 0.989. from 400 samples, accidental sampling, who were 18 ears up who lived in 17 municipalities in Nonthaburi province and analyzed data with statistic package :frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and multiple regression. The qualitative research collected data from 22 key informants with structured in -depth-interview and 9 participants in focus group discussion and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation. Findings were as follows: 1. The effectiveness of management and conservation of natural resources and environment of the municipalities in Nonthaburi province, by overall, was moderate, (X= 3.39). Each areas of effectiveness were that; Public place maintenance was at high level(X=3.60). Environmental, pollutions, natural resources and forest conservation maintenance was at moderate level. 2. Factors affected the management effectiveness in natural resources and environment conservation of the municipalities in Nonthaburi Province were that the administration of the municipality affected the effectiveness of the management of natural resources and environment in the municipalities in Nonthaburi Province. Findings were that value R Square was equal to .713 indicating that the 8 independent variables correlated with the dependent variables at 73.80 percents with the significant value set at 0.01, accepting hypothesis. 3. The model of effectiveness of management of natural resources and environment conservation of municipalities in Nonthaburi province was that: 1) Natural resources conservation and forest protection and maintenance of municipality in Nonthaburi province must be adapted to suit the structural of the city. There should be a campaign to promote the planting of perennials along both sides of roads and build more public parks to replace the old and decayed natural forests. 2) Environmental and pollution management; municipalities must focus on 3 issues; the solid waste, the air and water pollution . 3) Public places care-taking; municipalities should add more values to the public places such as expanding green areas by building mini public parks in more communities.


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How to Cite

สอนจันทร์ ส. ., ธิติวุฒิ หมั่นมี, & บุษกร วัฒนบุตร. (2020). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO BUDDHADHAMMA OF THE MUNICIPALITIES IN NONTHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 307–322. retrieved from