The objectives of this research were : (1) to study the general state of participation of Sangha for mangrove forest preservation in Samutsongkhram province, (2) to study the problems, obstacles and guidelines for participation of Sangha for mangrove forest preservation in Samutsongkhram province. This research was the mixed method research through quantitative research from the field of 122 monks in Samutsonkhram province by using the questionnaires as opened and closed question and interview from 7 key informants that focused on participation of Sangha for mangrove forest preservation in Samutsongkhram province.The researcher collected the data by frequency, percentage, mean and data analysis The findings of this research as following : 1. The general state of questionnaire correspondents for mangrove forest preservation in Samutsongkhram province and found that the monks who answered the questionnaires mostly the age is 20 years for 33 monks or 27 percent and below five ordination years was the highest as 56.6 percent, had the education in the primary school level as the most or 43.3 percent, For Dhamma Education that found that no Dhamma education qualification for 59.8 percent and had no the Pali education qualification as the highest level for 92.6 percent, when considered in each aspect found When considered in each side found that the making decision participation, practice participation, co-mutual benefit participation, evaluation participation were also the low level in all aspects. 2. The problem, obstacles and guidelines for the participation of Sangha for mangrove forest preservation in Samutsongkhram province, 1). the participation of decision making, found that the monks got little information for the meeting to preservation that made the people lack of advising for solution and had the limit of law knowledge for the illegal action of interest group to destroy the mangrove forest preservation and educated monks had the small chance to participation for mangrove forest preservation. 2) The participation of practice, found that monks had the small chance for participation to cultivate the mangrove forest preservation because the thought of government sector and mangrove forest preservation of the people and other sectors and mostly activities of forest
cultivation as a group, and small temples lack of necessary factors for mangrove forest preservation. For suggestion should have related organizations support the budget and should have many organizations to help each other. 3) The mutual interest preservation, found the monks lacked of sampled model for preservation. 4)The participation of evaluation, found that the people in the area had the activity to cultivate the forest that no matching the proper time of the monks and had the monks’ invitation for the meeting about the area examination to mangrove forest preservation that lacked of participation for environmental protection near the monastery area. For suggestion, 1) should set up the activity to the monks and people to participate for harmony creation and should support the educated monks to be the leader for morality promotion and ethics for preservation. 2) The involved and relative units should support about the budget. 3) To train for offering the knowledge about the law to the monks and the people in the preservative area. 4) Should create the good role model in Sangha organization and to be good sample. and interview.
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