The Development of Self - Directed Learning Management Model for Thai Students


  • อมรรัตน์ สุวรรณมณี


Development Management Model , Self-Directed Learning


The purposes of this research were : 1) to determine the factors of selfdirected learning management model for Thai students ; 2) to present the model of self-directed learning management for Thai students.
The method of the research consisted of four stages : firstly , to analyze the relevant documents in order to set up the conceptual framework on the self-directed learning management model for Thai students ; secondly, to specify the Development of self- directed learning management model by implementing the Delphi technique from 21 experts on education; thirdly, to arrange a group discussion with eight experts on educational administrators ; lastly, to evaluate the opinions of 128 school administrators in rayong concerning the research model. The analysis of the data was accomplished by computation of the frequency,
percentage , arithmetic mean , standard deviation, median, inter-quartile range. The inter quartile range numerical values was also computed to test the foregoing agreement in this research. Based upon the findings of the study, it was concluded that : 1. The 21 educational experts absolutely agreed with 5 factors and 21 indicators of self-directed learning management model. 2. The 8 experts of group discussion on educational administrators were also agreed with self-directed learning management model. 3. The evaluation of the 128 school administrators opinions found that, the overall they agreed with the self-directed learning management model at high level mean 3.5 ( x = 3.5)


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How to Cite

สุวรรณมณี อ. (2020). The Development of Self - Directed Learning Management Model for Thai Students. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 751–760. retrieved from