The Appropriate Model toward the Mission by of Bangkok Metropolitan Authority in According to the BangkokMetropolis Administrative Organization Act, BE 2528


  • ธงชัย ธนะสิงห์


The Appropriate Model toward the Mission


The Appropriate Model the Mission by of Bangkok Metropolitan Authority in According to the Bangkok Metropolis Administrative Organization Act, BE 2528 Revealed that the city had expanded because of the population size and changes in the economic structure of built – up areas. This resulted in a mixed and vertically grown land use in the city core and horizontal spread the suburb to the fringe.
In this dissertation, the investigates (1) the Background, history, and significance of the Bangkok Metropolis Administration, a special Local administration Organization of Thailand.(2) Concept and theory involving the devolution or decentralization of special Local administration organizations and their provision of public services. (3) special Local administration organization in Thailand with selected Corresponding Organization abroad.
Findings are as follows : 

The BMA is an administrative agency which is a juristic person in public law. In the course of exercising its authority, the central government charges the BMA with the task of providing public services. The flows from the fact that in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2550 (2007) , the BMA falls under the supervisorial power of the central administration. It therefore has no genuine freedom of action. The researcher has devised what is taken to be more appropriate patterns for the role now played by the BMA as given in the following two alternatives: It is suggested that BMA be divided into two separate administrations corresponding to two distinct , viz., Bangkok Metropolis and Thonburi Metropolis.


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How to Cite

ธนะสิงห์ ธ. . (2020). The Appropriate Model toward the Mission by of Bangkok Metropolitan Authority in According to the BangkokMetropolis Administrative Organization Act, BE 2528. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 703–714. retrieved from