
  • ชนพงษ์ อาภรณ์พิศาล


This research employed the documentary research methodology,aimed to study management factors of community enterprises in central region of Thailand. Information was collected through different sources such as academic documents, journals, articles, theses, and information on the internet. These primary sources along with related researches and theories were used to develop the conceptual framework. Research questions were structured based on the objective of the research and literature review. The result of the study showed that research conceptual framework derived from an analysis and a synthesis of related theories of management factors of community enterprises in central region of Thailand, which consisted of the theory of community enterprises, the theory of local wisdom and creative
economy, laws and regulations related to management theories, and effective management theories. As for management factors of community enterprises in Thailand, the latent variables of government support were budget, personnel, and networking, whereas the latent variables of community leadership were appointment and recognition. In addition, the latent variables of the participation of the community consisted of planning, execution, benefit allocation, and follow-up and evaluation, whereas the latent variables of local wisdom consisted of local identities, shared experience, and social responsibility. Lastly, the latent variables of entrepreneurship comprised corporate image building, increasing sales and creative economy.


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How to Cite

อาภรณ์พิศาล ช. . (2020). STUDY FACTORS MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES IN CENTRAL OF THAILAND. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 657–664. retrieved from