
  • พระมหาภูษิต อคฺควณฺโณ (ปุลันรัมย์)


Administration, Self-Reliant Community, Buddhist Way, Sustainability


Objectives of this research were to, 1. Study the performance mechanism
of social organizations for strengthening communities at the lower North Eastern
Region 2. Study the components of sustainable self-reliant community
administration in Buddhist way at the lower North Eastern Region and 3. to propose
for sustainable self-reliant community administration in Buddhist way.
Methodology was the qualitative research method collected data from 30
key informants, purposefully selected from qualified people who represented the
stakeholders both in public sector, group or various sectors inside the community,
Public sector scholars on community development including the Buddhist scholars
and Buddhist Monks on development. Data were collected by using in-depthinterview
and from 12 participants in focus group discussion. Data from both methods were analyzed by using contextual content analysis techniques and verify
the validity of the data with triangulation techniques.
The research findings were as follows:
1. The important mechanism for mobilizing social organization for
strengthening the community in the lower North Eastern Region for self-reliant
community. It was found that consist of 4 important factors 1) Community Leader
and team 2) Participation process of community people 3) Community Planning
process 4) The success of community performance according to Philosophy of
sufficiency economy.
2. The components of sustainable self-reliant community administration in
Buddhist way at the lower North Eastern Region were that the communities were
administered by 6M’s; 1) Management 2) Machine consist of tools and machinery 3)
Money consist of capital and Budget management 4) Morality consist of moral and
ethical management 5) Material consist of materials and raw materials management
6) Man consist of human management. The communities also integrated the ten
Nathakaranadham with each part properly: 1) Sila 3) Kalyanamittata 4) Sovacassata
5) Kinkaraniyesu dakkhata 6) Dhammakamata 7) Viriyarambha 8) Santutthi 9) Sati
and, 10) Panya
3. The guidelines for sustainable self-reliant community administration in
Buddhist way were that community leaders, team and community members should
manage the communities to be sustainable self-reliant community in line with the
philosophy of sufficiency economy and Buddhist way by emphasizing on the good
output of the community management guidelines with the guidelines “5E-1P”
consist of 5E’s principle, consisting of 1) Education 2) Environment 3) Efficiency 4)
Effectiveness 5) Economy and 1P: Peace which developed themselves by
knowledge sharing in accordance with the contextual communities emphasizing
both the efficiency and the effectiveness leading to internal peace of community
which is the desired destination of communities members.


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How to Cite

อคฺควณฺโณ (ปุลันรัมย์) พ. . (2020). ADMINISTRATION OF SELF-RELIANT COMMUNITY IN LINE WITH BUDDHIST WAY FOR SUSTAINABILITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 509–522. retrieved from