
  • อัครเดช พรหมกัลป์


Participation, Development, Participation Development


The objectives of the pattern of participation development of large
swamps in Thai society was to 1) to study the changes and development of
Bungboraped Nakhon Sawan Province, 2) The synthetic of participatory
development of Bungboraped, and 3) The evaluation pattern of participation
developed Bungboraped engaged by public opinion and stakeholders. The
methodology was the mixed methods, qualitative research by in-depth interview
and focus group discussions to develop pattern of participation development, and
quantitative research from 400 samples. Findings were as follow:
1. Bungboraped has changed for 1) the construction of dam to raise the
water level in the year 2469 B.C. 2) creating a water canal gates Bungboraped
3) surrounding communities are stocking up 4) the flow of information included
cultural 5) the modified the occupation of farming and fishing for subsistence to
commercial businesses and for export 6) the expansion of the community, making
to accommodate and obstruct the flow of water in flood season 7) changed the
lives of people in communities around Bungboraped in dimension of the
advancement 8) then use of chemicals, pesticides multiple forms causing toxins
and ecological destruction, and 9) the conversion of assets (Bungboraped) to be
financed by both public and private sector.
2. Participation in the development Bungboraped 1) the perception of
information must be transparent, clear, unambiguous distortion-free 2) the hearing
should take place in an atmosphere of harmony, in unison with trust and kindness
to each other 3) the decision should be reasonable, legitimating but enough about
and to the common good 4) Support cooperation should be based on the rules
and regulations pure clean hidden benefits and 5) the supplemental power to veto
should be reviewed when the development will affect the community and local
authorities. 3. The pattern of participation development of large swamps in Thai
society must begin with the recognition that information is needed most by
supporting, cooperation, hearing, comments, participation in decision-making, and
empower the public to contribute less than all sides. In terms of participation, the
recognition that most of the information needed to get the information that is
clear, transparent and unambiguous comes first, followed by the recognition of
information without distortion or contamination with prejudice are completely true
and such information must be trusted in order to get and to know the information
for development to occur.


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How to Cite

พรหมกัลป์ อ. (2020). THE PATTERN OF PARTICIPATION DEVELOPMENT OF LARGE SWAMPS IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 407–420. retrieved from