
  • วรพล วรสุวรรณโรจน์


The type of teamwork according, Personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok


The objectives of the research were: 1) to study the working conditions of
teamwork of personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok Province 2) To study the
principles of teamwork with the Buddhist doctrine suitable for teamwork of
personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok Province And 3) to propose a type of
teamwork according by buddhist way of personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok
This study is a Mixed method research. The researcher has emphasized
the study of teamwork according to Buddhist way by personal municipal in
Phitsanulok Province. Quantitative research was used to distribute questionnaires to
the sample about 294 people. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as
frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Qualitative method uses in-depth interview with 20 important information providers and focus group discussion with 8
professionals. Analyze data by analyzing descriptive content.
The findings were as follows:
1) The working environment in team of the municipal personnel in
Phitsanulok Province, there are already working as a team. It is in the form of
interoperability for the purpose of the program or project. The municipality and the
municipality's staff are currently aware of teamwork, by training to lead to
practicality. Particularly when working on a plan or project, it is obvious to cooperate
to solve the problems that have arisen to achieve the objectives of the
plan or project which the executive’s support the policy and budget.
2) The principles of teamwork with the Buddhist doctrine suitable for
teamwork of personnel municipal in Phitsanulok Province. To apply the teamwork
principles and the Buddhist doctrine in the program or project of the municipality,
that is in the principle of teamwork of the people in the municipal Phitsanulok
Province divided into 4 aspects: 1) problem solving team 2) self-management work
team 3) cross-functional teams and 4) virtual teams. By all aspects, the overall level
of opinion is high. The doctrine of Buddhism that is suitable for the teamwork of
personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok Province which is aparihaniyadhamma 7
there are as follows: 1) The meeting is regularly held; 2) The meeting is unanimous;
3) No rules contrary to regulations 4) play respect to supervisors; 5) play respect to
women; 6) play respect to the places and 7) caring for visitors. By all means, the
level of opinion is high.
3) The type of teamwork according to Buddhist way of personnel in the
municipal Phitsanulok Province consists of 11 types there are the 4 types of
teamwork and the doctrine of Buddhism it is called aparihaniyadhamma 7 types.
Which are synthesized together will get the type of teamwork according to Buddhist
way of personnel in the municipal Phitsanulok Province. In applying it, adaptation
needs to be adapted to the context of the municipality in order to maximize the
benefits and efficiency of the municipality. That is the people benefit.


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How to Cite

วรสุวรรณโรจน์ ว. . . (2020). THE MODEL OF TEAMWORK ACCORDING BY BUDDHIST WAY OF PERSONNEL IN THE MUNICIPAL PHITSANULOK PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 303–312. retrieved from