
  • อำพล ปุญญา


Water Management, According To Buddhist, Phichit Province


This research aims: 1) to study the conditions and problems in the
management of water Phichit 2) to study the concept. Buddhist theory and approach to the management of water Phichit and 3) to propose a model of water
management based on the Buddhist way of Phichit.
This study is a qualitative research (Qualitative Research), the researchers
focused on water management, according to the Buddhist way of Phichit. Through
in-depth interviews (In-depth Interview) with the key data of 25 images / person
and group chat only (Focus Group Discussion) with the experts 9 instrument used in
the research were interview and. the only discussion group Data were analyzed
using descriptive content analysis. Findings were as follows:
1. The general condition and problems in water management Phichit
province is divided into four different areas: 1) the management of the organization.
Phichit boggy areas of low river flow. Water in flood season Water management at
the provincial level is the main host. The lack of a master plan Lack of water flow
data prepared in 2) Management and Maintenance. There is the problem of storing
water for seasonal variations. Lack of water reservoirs Public interest is
compromised Dredging canals to store water is not. Lack of dams and canals in the
door 3) the involvement of stakeholders and water users. The lack of participation
The lack of a strong group of water users true. A tussle agricultural water 4) the
achievement of the task. There is also the problem of flooding and drought in
Phichit province
2. Theory and the Buddhist approach to water management of Phichit.
Led the development of the quality management department Operation and
maintenance is divided into four categories, the leading factor that promotes the
management of water to achieve the right balance is the primary navigation signal
Kappa Ya 7 is contributed. water management in a more appropriate one) good
corporate management. According to him a week to seven in the right areas. Travel
to attractions Need to meet regularly. People in the organization would have the
technical knowledge. Have enough budget The terrain is favorable and stable
performance 2) water management and maintenance. According to him a week to
seven, with the development of water storage as well. Require dredging Need to
talk Require the watershed level. Must have a solo career Need to store water in
flood season. Water must be used in the consumer adequately 3) the participation
of water users and stakeholders. According to him a week seven people to sacrifice some space to build reservoirs to store water. The way to get rid of sewage water.
To attend meetings together. There must be a concrete group. Water must be used
more evenly. Be shared environment Require water for consumption 4)
achievement by the seven weeks she must have a committee working on the
course. Must have the ability to command. The route requires good drainage. Must
have a common agreement Water to Communities Need to store water Have a
better quality of life 3. Model of water management based on the Buddhist way of Phichit
province is divided into four areas: 1) Management of the organization. Located in
the right area is in good terrain. Can be reached at Personnel within the
organization with knowledge in water management has been meeting regularly talk.
The organization has an adequate budget and a unified operational 2) water
management and maintenance. The development of water storage space as well.
The dredging canals to store water in flood season. There are different levels in the
watershed committee to oversee the talks agree on water. The water used for
consumption. Water professionals adequately 3) the involvement of irrigation water
users and stakeholders have sacrificed some space to build reservoirs to store
water. The establishment of water users is substantial. The group is meeting
together to campaign on environmental stewardship. Sewage disposal to block the
water flow. To provide residents with water for consumption equally 4)
achievement of the work. A water management committee at the provincial level
are obvious. The ability to manage water. Command of truly Water community to
store flood season, with the good drainage. The Group has an agreement to use a
common public space and quality of life improved.


พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ (ป.อ. ปยุตฺโต). (2547). พจนานุกรมพุทธศาสตร์ ฉบับประมวลธรรม. พิมพ์ครั้ง

ที่ 17. กรุงเทพมหานคร : โรงพิมพ์มหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย

สุกาญจน์ รัตนเลิศนุสรณ์. (2550). หลักการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อมแบบยั่งยืน. กรุงเทพมหานคร :

สานักพิมพ์สมาคมส่งเสริมเทคโนโลยี ไทย-ญี่ปุน

กรมชลประทาน. (2546). เกณฑ์การพัฒนาคุณภาพการบริหารจัดการฝ่ายส่งน้าและบ้ารุงรักษา.

กรุงเทพมหานคร : กระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์. (อัดสาเนา)



How to Cite

ปุญญา อ. . (2020). MODEL FOR WATER MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES OF PHICHIT PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-04), 161–178. retrieved from