Development, Religious Successor, Sangha AdministrativeAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: to study the general context, process and to propose the development model of religious successors of Sangha in Suphanburi province. The research methodology was mixed Methods. The research findings were: 1. the general context of religious successors development of Sangha in Suphanburi Province in overall was at high level, 2. the process were: Kāya aspect included promoting a healthy body, leaving demerit and doing good, Sīla aspect included promoting discipline, acting on tradition, concentrating on peace base on Sīla practice. Chitta aspect included practicing meditation concentrating on merit, Paññā aspect included knowing the Dhamma, gaining wisdom and ability to solve problems and 3. the development model of religious successors of Sangha in Suphanburi provincewas: Kāya development aspect included training to be knowledgeable and promoting for good doing by them-selves and completing physical development. Sīla development aspect included development of adherence to morality, training for social discipline, teaching to be knowledgeable about drugs and causes of ruin. Citta development aspect included training for peace of mind, teaching to be knowledgeable about mind development, developing the mind to have a charitable mind and Paññā development aspect included teaching for knowledge and understanding the Dhamma principles, training for intellectual growth and developing skills in problem solving.
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