Management Model; Narcotics Abuse Prevention and Suppression; Provincial Police Region 7Abstract
The objective of this research was to study (1) the current conditions of
management for narcotics abuse prevention and suppression of Provincial Police
Region 7 (2) the efficiency management factors in narcotics abuse prevention and
suppression of Provincial Police Region 7 and (3) the development of management
model for improving the efficiency of narcotics abuse prevention and suppression
of Provincial Police Region 7. This study was a qualitative research, and the
instrument that used in this research was the interview form. The samples of this
study were divided into 6 groups, consisted of (1) policy level informants group (2)
practitioner level informants group (3) other public sector informants group (4)
academics group (5) citizens group and (6) convicts of narcotics abuse case, a total
of 42 persons. The results of the study can be concluded as follows:
1. The situation of narcotics abuse problem found that the narcotics has
been spread out continually and tend to increase endlessly. The efficiency of the operation in narcotics abuse prevention and suppression of Provincial Police Region
7 were (1) budgets spending is worthy and economy in high level when compared
between input and output (2) the commanders will support on working and give an
opportunity to the police officials for choosing the appropriate method to deal with
each condition (3) the police officials have an understanding in laws and regulations
of narcotics suppression (4) Provincial Police Region 7 has improved the system of
narcotics problem solving to comply with the policies in all level, and (5) the police
officials have seized properties from drug maker, drug dealer, drug accomplice and
coordinator in a large number. Also, a capture of the offenders according to the
unfinished warrants of arrest, has been surpassed the specified target.
2. The efficiency management factors in narcotics abuse prevention and
suppression of Provincial Police Region 7, consisted of (1) Leadership (2) Police
officials (3) Budgets (4) technologies and (5) Authority.
3. The development of management model for improving the efficiency of
narcotics abuse prevention and suppression of Provincial Police Region 7, can be
concluded as follows:
3.1 Leadership factor, consisted of 4 approaches (1) participatory
management (2) skill of coaching to the police officials (3) strengthen the
organizational culture and (4) proficiency of coordination with other public sectors
and international organization.
3.2 Police official factor, consisted of 5 approaches (1) police officials
development (2) knowledge sharing to the team members (3) Voluntary
Community Police development to assist the operation of police officials (4)
conference meeting arrangement for the executive level of the public sectors to
integrate the mission together, and (5) knowledge of working development.
3.3 Budget factor, consisted of 3 approaches (1) area budget allocation
system development (2) proficiency of projects writing development, and (3)
improve the regulation for spending of narcotics prevention and suppression
welfare fund.
3.4 Technology factor, consisted of 4 approaches (1) tools and application
programs development (2) public relations of data and information (3) using of
license plates verifying system, and (4) availability of modern communication
equipment for working.
3.5 Laws factor, consisted of 2 approaches (1) study the problems and
restrictions for improving regulation of working, and (2) consulting team
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