
  • สามเณรเมธี เสี่ยบ่วง (คีลาวงค์)


Quality of Public Service According , Four San˙gahavatthu , Yannawa District office


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the quality of public
service according four San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office, Bangkok, 2) to
compare the pinion of customer toward the quality of public service according four
San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office, Bangkok speared by gender, age, status,
educational level, occupation and income per month and 3) to study the problems
obstacles and suggestions toward the quality of public service according four
San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office, Bangkok.
This research was a mixed methods research of the qualitative and
quantitative researches. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the
samples of 397 respondents which selected by stratified random sampling of
55,789 persons. Statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean,
standard deviation, t-test, One Way Analysis of Variance, Least Significant Different:
LSD. The quantitative research was conducted by In-depth interviewing the 9 key
informants who were experts on public service which selected by purposive
sampling. Data analyzing was used descriptive Analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1) The opinions of populace toward the quality of public service according
four San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office, Bangkok in overall were at medium
level (x¯=3.15). After considering each aspect found that all aspects were also at
medium level and ranked from the highest mean to the lowest mean as follows:
Sama¯nattata¯aspec(x¯=3.15), Da¯na aspect (x¯=3.15), Atthacariya¯ aspect (x¯=3.15) and Piyava¯
ca¯ aspect (x¯=3.14).
2. The comparison of populace toward the quality of public service
according four San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office, Bangkok separated by
personal factor found that the samples who were different of gender, status,
educational level and income per month were not different opinions and the
samples who were different of occupation were different opinions at 0.05
3) The problems andobstacles of the quality of public service according
four San˙gahavatthu of Yannawa district office Bangkok 1) the leader lacked
competency to apply the management principle for administration, 2) populace
lacked participation evaluation and suggestion for administration. The
suggestionswere1) there should be leadership development and increasing the
competency of administrators and 2) there should be opportunities for public


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How to Cite

เสี่ยบ่วง (คีลาวงค์) ส. . (2020). QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICE ACCORDING FOUR SANGAHAVATTHUOF YANNAWA DISTRICT OFFICE, BANGKOK. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 591–602. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/241225