Model, Preachers, Sangha AdministrationAbstract
Objectives of this study were to study the general condition, factors development and propose a model for preaching development for Buddhism propagation of Sangha Administration, Samut Prakarn Province. Methodology was the mixed methods; The qualitative research collected data from 25 key informants. Data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data from 363 samples with questionnaires and analyzed data by descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, mean and standard deviation. Findings were as follows: 1.General conditions of preaching of Sangha were found by the following aspects: Sender; most preachers were old monks without additional training. The preaching contents mostly were legend stories. 2. Factors and Dhamma principles that support the preaching development were at high level (= 4.14) Considering each aspect from high to lows as; the aspect with the highest level was Channel developed by Ayatana (= 4.30), Sender or Souce, developed by 4 styles of Buddha’s teaching methods, (=4.17) the message, information, developed by Vajisucharita, (=4.07), Receivers, developed by Vuttidhamma (=4.03), the preaching content and curriculum are correct, appropriate to the interest of the organizations. 3. A model for preaching development of Sangha Administration , Samutprakarn Province according to the 4 styles of Buddha’s preaching by Vajisucharita, channel by Ayatana, Reciever by Vuttidhamma, all can be explained as follows: 1) Sender; the preachers must understand the Dhamma principles they preach, classify and clarify the Dhamma they preach that can be used and practiced in daily life, 2. Message; the preaching contents must be beneficial to listeners they can use in daily living together peacefully, avoiding non-sense contents, false and harsh speech. 3. Channel; preachers deliver the sermons pleasantly to ears with appropriate level of voices. Personality must be need, 4. Receivers; preachers must design the curriculum and content appropriate to organizations concerned.
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