
  • ประพัฒน์พงษ์ พรพิมล


Indicative, evaluation, local governments


The research entitled “Development of the Indicative Evaluation in
Bureau of Local Human Resources System Management with HR Scorecard,” was
aimed at 1) analyzing the problems in human resources management of local
administrative organization, 2) specifying the contributive factors to the
effectiveness in bureau of local human resources system management with HR
Scorecard, and 3) proposing the indicative evaluation of bureau of local human
resources system management with HR Scorecard. This study was a mixed-method
research: qualitative and quantitative, for specifying the effectiveness in the
indicative evaluation of bureau of local human resources system management. The
study was begun by studying the Secondary Data Source with literature reviews in
terms of strategies, thoughts, and related studies; altogether, it was synthesized in
order to define the research scope. Then, it was continued by studying the Primary
Data Source with the In-depth Interview. Quantitatively, it was a survey research
with designing and collecting data by using the questionnaire. Computer program
were applied to analyze in social science way in order to be as the regulation and
methodology that would be presented respectively.The research results were as follows:Part 1: the result of the problem analysis in human resources
management of local administrative organization
It could be concluded the problems of the representative administrators
in the country that they were lack of appropriate qualifications: good cooperation,
suitable training with the job for local staffs, misunderstanding about HR Scorecard,
unintelligibility in the policy of verifiability and recruitment, the reflective product
of staffs, and worthiness. It was still intervened by the patronage system. Also, the
local administrators did not see the importance in organizing the activity which
could strengthen the good relationship between administrators and employees:
therefore, the work was getting done slowly. The policy of staff management was
vague as well as the importance, acceptance, support in budget and body of
Part 2: the contributive factors to the effectiveness in bureau of local
human resources system management with HR Scorecard
The administrators of province, municipality, and sub-district
administrative organization brought the issue to Focus Group Discussion that
analyzed the contributive factors to the effectiveness in bureau of local human
resources system management with HR Scorecard into 4 dimensions, 17 factors,
and 94 items for selecting the suitable one and real practice in local administrative
organization which included 4 regions: Center, North, South, and Northeast.
Part 3: the indicative evaluation of human resources management in local
administrative organization with HR Scorecard
In terms of analyzing the primary data source/organization
According to the analysis of general information of the respondents from
questionnaire about the amount of organizational staffs, it was found that the
quantity of most organizational staffs was 50-70 people from 203 people which
could be calculated as 49.2%. The annual budget revealed that most amount was
less than 50 million baht from 197 people which could be calculated as 47.6%.
The type of local administrative organization was found that there were sub-district
administrative organization mostly from 280 people that could be calculated as
The evaluation results of indicative evaluation of human resources management of
the municipality with HR Scorecard were all 4 dimension with 7 factors as follows:The staff samples were 396 respondents. The data analysis was by Average
and Standard Deviation. The development of indicative evaluation of human
resources management of local administrative organization, in general with 4
dimensions, was found that all should be performed the most To considering in
each dimension, it was found that all 4 dimensions should also be performed. In
ascending order, it revealed that the item that should be performed the most was
dimension 2; the efficiency of human resources management Then, there were
dimension 3; the effectiveness of human resources management and dimension 1;
the accordant and supportive strategy of local administrative organization


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พัฒนาแผนพัฒนาสามปีและและแผนดาเนินงาน, กรุงเทพฯ : กรมส่งเสริมการปกครอง
ปรีชา วัชราภัย. (2550) .ทิศทางการบริหารราชการแผ่นดินและการส่งเสริมคุณธรรม จริยธรรม
และ ธรรมาภิบาลภาครัฐ. วารสารดารงราชานุภาพ.
สานักงานคณะกรรมการกระจายอานาจให้แก่องค์กรปกครองท้องถิ่น สานักงานปลัดสานัก
นายกรัฐมนตรี (2557). การพัฒนาท้องถิ่น .กรุงเทพฯ: กรมส่งเสริมการปกครองส่วน



How to Cite

พรพิมล ป. . (2020). DEVELOPMEMT OF THE INDICATIVE EVALUATION IN BERESU OF LOCAL HUMAN RESOOURCES SYSTEM MANAGEMNT. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-01), 371–382. retrieved from