Application, Buddhadhamma, Political ParticipationAbstract
Objectives of this article were to study level of people’s political participation, to compare, and to study problem, obstacles and suggestions for the Buddhadhamma application for people’s political participation, using mixed methods. Findings were: 1. Level of people’s political participation was at moderate level. 2. People with different data had different opinions, accepting the research hypothesis. 3. Problems and obstacles and recommendations were that people looked at political election not their concern, far away from them, lacked of knowledge of Apparihaniyadhamma in election. The role in community Participation was quite difficult to join with, Government contact was slow. News reporting lacked the Dhamma application, Therefore people must be educated about importance of election and rights of people, community political participation must be improved for easy and beneficial participation. Operation must be improved and changed for faster services. Dhamma application should be used to develop society that can stand criticism, emotional control, others’ opinions acceptance, using reasons, not emotions in opinions expression.
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