Integrating The Role of The Monks with Social Networks The Cultural Surveillance of Northeast


  • พระสุวิจักขณ์ กุลยศชยังกูร Major of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University


Integration, The role of the monks with social networks, Cultural surveillance


Objectives of this research were; 1) to study the historical background and knowledge in cultural surveillance of northeast. 2) to study the role of the monks with social networks in the cultural surveillance of northeast. 3) to integrating the for role of the monks with social networks in the cultural surveillance of northeast. The tools used were interview, interview, interview and focus group. Collect data from knowledgeable people in 24, community in 30, person in 36, general person in 10. The study from Phramuanrat temple, Siripongsawat temple and Papaiboon temple. Analyze data and presentation by descriptive.

The results of the research

Historical background and knowledge in cultural surveillance of northeast to started with the establishment of the ministry of culture under the department of fine arts. the National cultural maintenance act the National Cultural Council has been established, and the serve the main mission. In cultural surveillance, such as the project to enter the practice of religious practice. Training dharma speaker The bar association and cultural surveillance. The operation in the past 10 years to monitor the continuous cultural deviation. Has proactive actions to protect. Social and cultural issues systematic development In particular, the cultural offices of Nakhon Ratchasima, Buriram, and Chaiyaphum have followed the policy of cultural surveillance from Phramuanrat temple, Siripongsawat temple and Papaiboon temple. They get model from Cholaphrathansarit temple.

The cultural aspects of the northeast community are drug abuse, quarrels, school escapes, and game addiction. They have implementing unpredictable plans, lack of cooperation from all parties. Discontinuous work there is a lack of protection both the community itself and the school have taken to address the problem. But still not spot To solve the end Family does not give warm love. Careful care. It is a lack of integration. When the problem occurs by mitigating that problem in part it not control all

The integration of the works of the clergy and the network requires ongoing meetings and planning. Define a clear direction to work. It is protected by training. Understanding the youth in self-defense practices in the family. Schools and communities have a common understanding before the event occurs. When the problem is resolved. The problem must be solved to the point of encouraging discussion together. The problem is already. The problem must be solved by encouraging the use of the methodology. Does not affect the weak mental state. To teach the principles of Buddhism that apply to life. This is the collaboration of the relevant agencies. Can be the same Work together effectively



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How to Cite

กุลยศชยังกูร พ. (2020). Integrating The Role of The Monks with Social Networks The Cultural Surveillance of Northeast. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-05), 1–14. retrieved from