
  • พระวิเทศพรหมคุณ (พิชาภพ ปญฺญญาโณ)


community management, strategy of community management, prevention and resolution of flood


The objectives of the management strategy of middle area watershed community for prevention and resolution of flood was to 1) to study the community management and prevent and solve the flood problem 2) to analyze the community management model and prevent and solve the flood problem and 3) to synthesis model of strategies for community management to prevent and solve flood problems. The methodology was the apply research methodology. quantitative research utilized qualitative research, qualitative research by in-depth interviews and focus group discussions from the host before the present research to the public.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The management strategy of middle area watershed community for prevention and resolution of flood. overall, it was found. supervision and monitoring are the most concrete. secondly, planning or policy, to share the work decision and order and grouping or structuring in the community, respectively.
  2. The community management model with prevention and resolution of flood. 1) before the incident, the experience from generation to generation the network is built on the basis of sacrifice, volunteer spirit, public mind and ready to turn crisis into opportunity. 2) at the scene, it is a shared responsibility of everyone in the community. there is a division of work. join forces wood cooperative reward you each other openness and respect for diversity. 3) after the incident, the community environment should be restored to its original state and network in the sub-district and district. 4) prevention and resolution of floods for sustainability, have to accept and live with the flood problem as a normal or a part of life, there is a generation of experience from generation to generation, such as building a house on the raft to stay in the flood, prepare fishing tools to make money, there is a thai-style house on the raised platform with trees and bamboo to be a natural wall and there is a watering area or kamling (monkey cheek).
  3. Strategic model for the management strategy of middle area watershed community for prevention and resolution of flood 1) before the flood; the policy must be linked to the environment and the community, reduce the rules and procedures, encourage lifelong learning based on a participatory, natural way, provide equipment, tools and resources, 2) during the flood; a command center or community emergency response center must be established, to promote public information in the area, assist in the preparation of equipment, coordinate with local government organizations in the area, dredge the canal and increase the drainage channel, create a shelter, evacuate people to safe areas, arrange a medical officer to heal, 3) after the flood; the rescue team must be set up, improve the environment in the community, get government support to restore or correct risk points and review regulatory or conditionality to match the situation and time, 4) integrating for sustainability; to create a common consciousness, joint responsibility learn the problem, living with problems, power to drive, focus on value goals that are consistent with the nature and ways of the community based on local wisdom.


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How to Cite

(พิชาภพ ปญฺญญาโณ) พ. (2018). THE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF MIDDLE AREA WATERSHED COMMUNITY FOR PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION OF FLOOD. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 7(1), 157–169. retrieved from