Good Governance, Justice Process, Chonburi Province’s SangkaAbstract
Objectives of this article were to study the performance of Chonburi Province Sangka justice process and to propose better solutions to the problems using the qualitative research collecting data by in-depth interviewing the key informants who were high-rank monks, the police monks (PhraVinayathikan) and laities, and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation. Findings revealed that the justice process was carried out according to the doctrine and discipline of Dhamma-Vinaya (Law of the Sangka) and the national law. There’s the coordination with the government officers in arresting and sending offenders after the religious punishment. In the fieldwork, it focused on persuasion and negation. The punishment was recorded and signed by those involved. The problems found in this study was the confusion in interpretation of worldly fault (Lokavajja). Moreover, the coordination seemed to depend on the patronage system which may lead to negative social opinion and embarrassment. The solation for these problems was that the justice system should be decentralized and have clear-cut in duty between the justice system and the administrative work. In the participation, it is suggested to offer bilateral training between the government officials and PhraVinayathikan (Police monks). As for the responsibility, the police monks were expected to have good interaction with the people in the community and be skilled with good communication in order to have good coordination.
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