
  • Mayuree Rattanasermphong Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Wasita Kerdphonprasak Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Administration Model, Senior School


The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the elders’ status and needs in a senior school, and 2) to investigate administration model of senior school in Khao Pra Ngam sub-district municipality, Muang, Lopburi. The research instruments were questionnaire for investigating the elders’ status and needs by interviewing 60 participants, and applying several techniques which were: documents, brochures, billboards, group discussion, workshop, in-depth interview without questionnaire, and non-participant observation for investigating the administration model of a senior school. The quantitative data were analyzed, which were collected by using frequency and percentage, and qualitative data were analyzed by classification, arranging, and describing.

            The research findings were as follows:-

  1) The investigation of the elders’ status and needs in a senior school found that most of their ages were between 60-69 years. They were housekeepers and able to do activities in daily life by themselves. In their free time, they went to do merit in a temple. Most of them have spent 1-2 years studying in a senior school. Their needs for school activities were to organize traveling and a field trip; next were cooking activity, home decorating, gardening, and planting. What the elders expected were: the senior school becomes a model center for developing elders and the place where the elders in the community gathering.

2) The study of the administration model of the senior school in Khao Pra Ngam subdistrict municipality, Muang, Lopburi showed that the management structure was divided into 4 functions: academic affair, finance, human resources, and general administration. The administrative committee included school administrative board, school supporting committee, and student committee.

Keywords:  administration model, senior school.


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How to Cite

Rattanasermphong, M. ., & Kerdphonprasak, W. . (2019). ADMINISTRATION MODEL OF SENIOR SCHOOL IN KHAO PRA NGAM SUBDISTRICT MUNICIPALITY, MUANG, LOPBURI. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 8(3), 166–177. retrieved from