Potentials Development, Ethics and Morality Teaching monksAbstract
Objectives of this research were: 1. to study the general condition of Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15, 2. to study factors affecting Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15and 3. to propose the model of Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15. Methodology was the mixed methods: The qualitative research collected data from document and 18 key informants by In-depth-interviewing and also from 12 participants in focus group discussion. Data were systematically classified and analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data from 253 samples by questionnaires with Reliability value at 0.988 and analyzed data with Frequency ,Percentage , Average, Standard Deviation , Pearson ' s Correlations Coefficient. Findings of this research were as follows: 1. The general condition of Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15 indicated that there were meetings to formulate a clear policy and understanding of the procedure of potentials development of ethics and morality teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15. The policy was implemented for students development continuously, supporting the ethics and morality teaching monks to disseminate Buddhadhamma with responsibility with budget allocation for activities There were learning and teaching and Buddhism supporting activities evaluations. There was budgetary support to improve activities of the Secondary Schools at the Region 15 for more efficiency. 2. The factors that were correlated with potentials development of ethics and morality teaching monks in Secondary Schools at Sangha Administrative Region 15were that the factor in work potentials of ethics and morality teaching monks were correlated at high level (r = 0.940 , p-value= 0.000) and Bhavana 4 and potentials development of ethics and morality teaching monks in Secondary School were also correlated in high level (r = 0.941, p-value= 0.000). 3. The Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15 were of 5 concepts as follows: 1) Potentials Development of Ethics and Morality Teaching monks in Secondary School at Sangha Administrative Region 15 in lesson contents; annual instructions schedule, teachers development to suit the learners would make the learning activities more effective and efficient, 2) teaching aspect; the availability of classrooms, class, library, meeting rooms, toilets, textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens, paper, writing boards, table, cabinets, chairs, teaching aids projectors, computers, teaching media, electricity, water supply, et cetera, 3) teaching media usage; application of Dhamma principles in teaching techniques, teaching with media, VCD, computer assisted instruction, CAI, integrated with current affairs, 4) learning and teaching activities; developing learning and teaching activities at the hand-on level for the main activity so that students will learn in line with the learning objectives, 5) assessment and evaluation; experts and resource persons should be invited to help the ethics and morality teaching monks to have knowledge and skill in assessment and evaluation from the work files.
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