
  • Ratrapee Pipattanawong Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phramedhavinaiyaros (Suthep Pasiviko) Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrasrivinayaphon Sairung Indavudho Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Suvin Ruksat Mahamakut Buddhist University


Wisdom Development, Multiple Intelligences, Five Minds, Integration with Buddha Dhamma


           The objectives of the study on the Integrated Development of Human Wisdom in Buddhist Approach were 1) to study the concepts and theories of the development of human’s wisdom, 2) to study the development of human’s wisdom in Theravada Buddhism; 3) to integrate theories of human’s wisdom development with the Buddhist principles of wisdom, and 4) to propose new approaches about “the Integrated Wisdom Development in Buddhism”. Practically, the study was done through qualitative research using documentary methodology and in-depth interview. Finally, the discussion of the focus group was conducted to confirm the results of the study.    

            The research found that multiples intelligence could be applied to the development of disciplined mind and respectful mind to simultaneously develop skills in various sciences and moral. This would be done by applying the seven steps of dhamma to the development of six intelligences involving in learning skill to produce disciplined mind, and four intelligences relating to human relationship and living with integration of the Dhamma Principles which produce the respectful mind. The process to achieve respectful mind starts with observing the Right View, paying respect to the Triple Gems, studying Dhamma continually, being able to deeply reflect any worldly occurrence or nature with Yonisomanasikāra, practicing Anussati 10, and living life of no carelessness. One who applies such processes must be able to practice mindful hospitality appropriately. The five controlling faculties are used to measure and balance the development of sustainable wisdom. Attainment of proficiency and morality observation enable an individual, whose wisdom is developed through modern BWD Model, to contribute to self and society.     


Author Biographies

Phramedhavinaiyaros (Suthep Pasiviko), Mahamakut Buddhist University

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mahamakut Buddhist University.

Phrasrivinayaphon Sairung Indavudho, Mahamakut Buddhist University

Dean of the Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University.

Suvin Ruksat, Mahamakut Buddhist University

Lecturer, Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University.


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How to Cite

Pipattanawong, R., (Suthep Pasiviko), P., Sairung Indavudho, P., & Ruksat, S. (2019). INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN WISDOM IN BUDDHIST APPROACH. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 8(4), 155–167. retrieved from