Operational Optimization Guidelines for preparation of goods for transportation: Case Study CP Axtra Public Company Limited, Central Branch Makro -Salaya
This research has objectives to 1.Study the process of preparing goods for transportation. and 2. To propose ways to improve the process of preparing goods for transportation. By adopting the fishbone theory concept indicates the problem of preparing the product for the shipment encountered. Next steps applying the 5S Theory increase employee productivity and apply the concept of Visual Control Theory design tell smear number of carts available and cargo tracking available. The results of the research showed that The operational process of the preparation for transportation consists of: 6 Steps and Pre-test and Post-test Implementation of fault reduction guidelines of performing tasks in preparing goods for shipment. Overall, the average number of item listing errors decreased from 1.49% to 0.84% difference 0.65% decrease. Findings from this research Establishment Shopping malls and interested parties apply the findings to increase the efficiency of employees' operations. Reducing operational errors in preparing goods for delivery appropriately.
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