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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must have never been published or submitted to another journal for publication (or under revision at anther journal)
  • The submission file must be in Microsoft Word.
  • Single-spaced text, not exceeding 15 pages in length
  • TH Sarabun New font, size 16-point regular body and 18-point bold titles
  • Citation in APA format

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

  1. Article Size: Articles should be typed in Microsoft Word on A4 size paper, single-sided, approximately 25 lines per page in portrait orientation. Use the TH Sarabun New font size 16, and include page numbers at the top right of the paper (except the first page). The article length should not exceed 15 pages. For page setup and margins, set the top, bottom, left, and right margins to 2.54 cm, with the header at 1.25 cm and the footer at 1.25 cm.
  2. Title, Author’s Name, and Affiliation: The title in both Thai and English should be centered using TH Sarabun New font size 18, bold. The author (s), name (s), and affiliation(s) should be written in both Thai and English, using TH Sarabun New font size 16, bold, without specifying the title (Mr., Ms., etc.). The affiliation should detail the department, faculty, institution, or organizational affiliation, including an email address for contact. In cases of multiple authors, indicate who the Corresponding Author is.
  3. Abstract: The abstract title should be in TH Sarabun New font size 18, bold, and aligned to the left. The abstract text and keywords should use TH Sarabun New font size 16, regular. For Thai articles, write the abstract in both Thai and English. For English articles, write the abstract in English (an additional Thai abstract is optional). The combined Thai and English abstracts should not exceed one A4 page, formatted in one column, with an approximate length of 250 words. The abstract should include up to 5 keywords in Thai and the term "Keywords" followed by up to 5 keywords in English for that article.
  4. Content: Use TH Sarabun New font size 18, bold, and left-aligned for headings. The main text under each heading should be in TH Sarabun New font size 16, regular.
  5. Illustrations and Tables: Ensure that images are clear. Actual photographs should be attached if the submission includes photographs. If images are sourced from elsewhere, proper academic citations are required. Use the term "Figure" for images and "Table" for tables.
  6. References: Follow the APA citation style with the following conditions:

           6.1 No more than 20 references should be cited, and they should generally be no more than 15 years old, except for concepts or theories over 10 years old that are still relevant and in use, which can be cited.

           6.2 For in-text citations, use the author-year system, citing only the surname in English, such as Yaempoklarng (2012) or (Yaempoklarng, 2012). For two authors, include both surnames, e.g., Klinkul and Sartnonnut (2009) or (Klinkul and Sartnonnut, 2009). For more than two authors, cite the first author's surname followed by "et al.", e.g., Hair et al. (1998) or (Hair et al., 1998).

           6.3 References should be printed in one column and sorted alphabetically by the English alphabet. References in Thai must be translated entirely into English, maintaining the original Thai references as well. Each English translation should be listed first, followed by the original Thai citation, and "in Thai" should be appended to the end of the English translations derived from Thai sources. When sorting references, those translated from Thai to English should be alphabetized by English letters. For references with up to six authors, list all names; if there are more than six authors, list the first six, followed by "et al."


Example 1 - Book: Author's Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book. Edition (if any). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Sri sa-ard, B. (1998). Statistical methods for research I. 2nd ed. Bangkok: Suwiriyasan. (in Thai)

Example 2 - Journal Article: Author's Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Range.

Klinkul, K. and Sartnonnut, M. (2009). Study of Critical Success Factors of Continuous Improvement Program in American-style versus Japanese-style Management: Case Studies of Electronics Industry. Journal of Science and Technology, 17(1), 15-30. (in Thai)

Example 3 - Website: Author's Name. (Year of Publication). Title. [Online]. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from: URL.

Phetchaburi Province. (2017). Province information. [Online]. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from: (in Thai)

Example 4 - Conference Proceedings: Author's Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Article. Proceedings of the Conference (Document Name), Date, Venue, Page Range.

Sorntanong, M. (2018). Guidelines for Tourism Management by Identity and Community in the Cultural Tourism of Elephant’s Village Pa-Nied Luang at Pranakorn Sri Ayutthaya Province. The Proceedings of the 13th National and International Sripatum University Conference (SPUCON2018), 20 December 2018 at Sripatum University (Bangkhen Campus), 2112-2122. (in Thai)

Example 5 - Thesis: Author's Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Thesis. Degree Level. University.

Thepsuporn, P. (2006). A study of the success of continuous improvement by Kaizen: A Case study of Sony Technology Co., Ltd. Thesis of the Degree of Master of Business Administration Program in General Management. Patumthani: Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. (in Thai)

  1. Submission Guidelines: Every article submitted for consideration by the editorial team must not have been published elsewhere or be under consideration for publication in any other journals.

Manuscript Submission: Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the preparation guidelines and referencing style specified by the journal (.docx format) and submit through the ThaiJo system. Authors must register and follow the submission process available at


Editorial Policy and Conditions for Article Consideration

To enhance clarity and assist authors throughout the submission process, we detail the editorial policy and key procedures as follows:

  1. Article Context and Related Disciplines
  • Articles submitted for publication consideration must relate to the journal's defined contexts and disciplines, including (1) General Business, Management and Accounting (2) Management Information Systems (3) Management of Technology and Innovation (4) Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (5) Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management. Only those articles that align with the journal’s objectives will be considered for publication.
  1. Requirements for Article Originality
  • The journal will only accept original articles that have not been published by any other journal and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  1. Quality Assessment and Publication Process
  • Submitted articles will undergo a preliminary quality assessment and consistency check with the journal's objectives by the editorial team, categorized into two scenarios:
    • 3.1 Rejection: If an article does not meet the initial quality and relevance criteria, the author will be notified of the article's rejection, with no fees required. Feedback, reasons for rejection, or improvement suggestions may be provided.
    • 3.2 Acceptance for Review: Should an article pass the initial screening, the author is required to pay a processing fee of 4,000 baht (or 5,000 baht for articles in English). The article will then undergo a stringent Double-Blind Peer Review by three expert reviewers in the corresponding field. Payment must be made via bank transfer only.
  1. Post-Review Proceedings
  • Upon review, articles may be accepted for immediate publication, returned for revision and reconsideration (major/minor revisions), or rejected. These decisions are made after thorough consideration by the journal’s experts and editorial team.
  1. Publication Rights and Fee Refund Policy
  • The editorial team reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to publish articles in the journal based on their academic contribution, adherence to journal guidelines, and overall quality.
  • Processing fees are non-refundable once an article has been submitted for expert review, regardless of the outcome, including cases where the article is not accepted for publication.

Additional Information

  • Double-Blind Peer Review: To ensure impartiality, the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential throughout the review process, ensuring unbiased feedback and fair treatment of all submissions.

By submitting an article to the journal, authors acknowledge and accept these conditions, designed to maintain the journal's quality and standards. We thank authors for their trust in our journal for the dissemination of their research and academic work.


Journal fees

Payment of journal fees

- Thai articles charge a fee of 4,000 baht.
- English articles charge a fee of 5,000 baht.

Pay the journal fees by transferring money to a bank account and emailing the transfer slip along with a written request to pay the journal fees to the editorial office, Journal of Innovation and Management.

Account: Krung Thai Bank, Thewet Branch
Account name: Academic Services Project College of Innovation and Management
Account number: 070-0-21128-4

When the reviewers have finished the process of reviewing the article, the editorial team will decide whether the article should be published (Accept), whether it should be returned to the author for revision for consideration again (Major/Minor Revision), or whether it should be rejected for publication (Reject).

***The editorial team reserves the right to consider and decide on the publication of articles in the journal and will not issue refunds if the article is not considered for publication under any circumstances.***



Journal Template

Instructions for preparing the manuscript

Payment document


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.