Model of Excellence Educational Institution Administration Based on Buddhadhamma for Schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office

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Natthanan Muntapong
Suddhipong Srivichai
Rawing Ruangsanka


The aims of this dissertation are; 1) to study administration status of educational institutions under the Primary Education Service Area Office, 2) to develop a model of excellence educational institution administration based on Buddhadhamma for schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office, and 3) to evaluate the model of excellence educational institution administration based on Buddhadhamma for schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office.
The results of the study found that:
Executives have relatively little planning policy planning skill. Executives and personnel have no understanding of the plan implementation. The performance evaluation is not complete according to the work plan. And schools have inadequate budget for administration.
The development of a model of excellence educational institution administration  based on Buddhadhamma for schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office: there are 4 main components; 1. Lead; consisting principle, objectives, and context, 2. pattern; consisting of 4 factors; factors institution, method to, network, and Buddhadhamma principles, 3. The application of the model; consisting of preparation, action, and evaluation, and 4. Condition in application of the model consists of pro-active administration, co-ownership creation, and talent personnel in the organization.
The evaluation of the model of excellence educational institution administration based on Buddhadhamma for schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office; advantage is at the highest level, followed by accuracy, possibility and appropriateness respectively.

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How to Cite
Muntapong, N., Srivichai, S., & Ruangsanka, R. (2017). Model of Excellence Educational Institution Administration Based on Buddhadhamma for Schools under the Primary Education Service Area Office. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(2), 683–695. สืบค้น จาก