The Study for Development on the Working Model of Kanchanaburi Sangka on the Five Precepts Undertaking Village Project

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Phrakru Supattanakanchanakij Supattho


The working model of Kanchanaburi Sangka on the five Precepts undertaking village project findings were as follows:  the moving of the five Precepts undertaking village project is simple and stable under the concept of sufficiency and modesty by collaborating with all sectors to co-create to be the family of five Precepts, The village of five Precepts, the district of five precepts, and the province of five Precepts. The model of working of the five Precepts Undertaking Village Project is found that it is a unique model, it is integrated and applied in accordance with modern science both west and east. The strategy of cultivating the five Precepts to practice is found that it has been aimed to enhance for the good of life. There are three steps of the  model of administration of Kanchanaburi Sangka on the five Precepts undertaking Village Project as follows: 1) preparation stage, 2) proceed stage, 3) Planning stage, it was based on concept and theory with quality cycle of Deming. The four strategies are presented as follows:
Strategy 1: to establish effective center and community center.
Strategy 2: to train the people, to develop the knowledge and understanding of the five precepts project and invite external speakers to provide them with the knowledge they need.
Strategy 3: to improve the capacity of personnel both monks and peoples, to create the volunteer spirit in the work, focus on coordination between the village, the temple and the community to achieve concrete harmony.
Strategy 4: to establish the tools to monitor and evaluate quality projects by inviting external experts to be co-directors and representatives from public and private sectors.

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How to Cite
Supattho, P. S. (2017). The Study for Development on the Working Model of Kanchanaburi Sangka on the Five Precepts Undertaking Village Project. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(2), 571–583. สืบค้น จาก