The Competitive Advantages of Administrative Policy and Education Quality Management Process Innovation for Chinese Students in Thailand

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Xin Liu
Tanapol Kortana
Bundit Pungnirund
Chompoo Saisama


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the level of administrative policy variables quality management process Innovation and competitive advantage educational management of Chinese students in Thailand; 2. to study the influence of administrative policy variables quality management and process innovation towards competitive advantage educational management of Chinese students in Thailand; 3. To create a competitive advantage model educational management of Chinese students. This research uses a combination of methods between quantitative and qualitative research, in quantitative research sample is the project leader educational management of 320 Chinese students in Thailand. The size of the sample was determined by using the 20 times the observation variable criterion. The proportional random sampling method was used a questionnaire to collect data. Data was analyzed by structural equation modeling. For qualitative research, in-depth interviews were used. The main contributor was the project leader educational management of 24 Chinese students in Thailand. The research results were found as follows; 1. Administrative policy, variables quality, management process innovation, competitive advantage, Education management of Chinese students in Thailand at a high level. 2. Administrative policies quality management process innovation influencing competitive advantage education management of Chinese students in Thailand statistically significant at the .05 level. 3. The competitive advantage model, educational management of Chinese students developed by the researcher called the PQI Model.

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How to Cite
Liu, X., Kortana, T. ., Pungnirund, B. . ., & Saisama, C. . (2024). The Competitive Advantages of Administrative Policy and Education Quality Management Process Innovation for Chinese Students in Thailand. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 12(2), 410–424. สืบค้น จาก


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