The Understanding of Non-Religiosity and Moral Principle of Thai Younger Millennials

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Uthai Kaewpetch
Uthai Satiman


Misunderstanding of the meaning of immoral person and non-religious person, including reputation of religiosity of Thai younger millennials, leads to claim themselves as non-religious person. By such claim, the term ‘non-religious person’ falls to the criticism that it is immoral person by conservative believers. This paper is intended 1) to investigate what is the causes of argument against religiosity and moral principles of religion defined as immorality and 2) to propose the new tendency of valorization of moral principles in Thai younger millennials. To complete investigation and proposal, this paper uses the marks of moral condition in the book Postmodern Ethics written by Zygmunt Bauman as criticism for reputation of religiosity. Reputation of religiosity is not equivalent to being immoral. It found that using the marks of moral condition of Zygmunt Bauman in Postmodernist perspective is stronger argumentation of reputation of religiosity.

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How to Cite
Kaewpetch, U., & Satiman, U. (2022). The Understanding of Non-Religiosity and Moral Principle of Thai Younger Millennials. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 10(2), 488–496. สืบค้น จาก


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