Concentration and Absorption in Trilogy Movie Scenes Based on Vidantasa ̅ Sama ̅dhi Curriculum of the Willpower Institute

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Maneekan Chainon
Eakachat Joneurairatana
Pairoj Jamuni


This research article has the following purposes 1) to study concentration and absorption according to the definitions of the Willpower Institute, 2) to study the mise-en-scene in trilogy films based on the concept of concentration and absorption through semiotic film analysis, and 3) to analyze the coherence of trilogy movie elements in the aspect of concentration and absorption. The methodology is a qualitative research study based on basic research, which interpreted the concept of concentration and absorption from the Willpower Institute. However, the study focused on the absorption level, paṭhama-jhāna and the semiotic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure. The analysis of mise-en-scene in the trilogy movies has presented the benefits of concentration and portrayal of absorption state from The Matrix and Kung Fu Panda as a guide for movie study concerning concentration and absorption.

The results of research were as follows: 1. The definition of concentration and absorption from the Willpower Institute has the clear idea that concentration is the cause and absorption is a result, which requires concentration as an essential base. Therefore, concentration is divided into three levels: 1) khaṇika-samādhi, 2) upacāra-samādhi, and 3) appanā-samādhi. Moreover, absorption can be divided into two main characteristics; rūpa-jhāna and arūpa-jhāna. 2. The development of absorption in trilogy movies appears from the main characters, Po and Neo. They gradually show intense levels of absorption, respectively. Po in Kung Fu Panda illustrated that the state of rūpa-jhāna extends to the arūpa-jhāna. In contrast, The Matrix begins by alternating between the arūpa-jhāna and rūpa-jhāna. The step of absorption are more complicated to interpret, which is an exciting presentation of how the meditation process result overlaps with it. ­3. Mise-en-scene in the trilogy film study can be classified as 1) awareness mind, 2) delicate mind, 3) mind as one, 4) mind power, and 5) emptiness mind.

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How to Cite
Chainon, M., Joneurairatana, E. ., & Jamuni , P. . (2023). Concentration and Absorption in Trilogy Movie Scenes Based on Vidantasa ̅ Sama ̅dhi Curriculum of the Willpower Institute. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 11(4), 1255–1273. สืบค้น จาก


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