Chinese Governance Model of the New Rural Elite in Yongchuan, Chongqing: A Case of Confucianism-law Conflict

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Ruoqi Zhao


“Rule by Confucianism” and “Rule by law” are completely different social orders and governance models originated from completely different cultures, histories and logicality. In the process of China's rural social transformation, the two concepts have come into conflict. The case in Chongqing is by far the most successful case of new rural elites participating in governance and solving the Confucianism-law conflict in China. Therefore, this qualitative research aimed at: 1) understanding selection process and the roles of new rural elite in Chongqing, 2) clarifying relationship between new rural elite and local residents/ local government, 3) studying how new rural elite take action on solving the Confucianism-law conflict. The sample was seven new rural elites, three local government officers and ten residents. One-on-one semi-structured interview, focus group interview and observation were conducted as triangulation data collection in this study. Seven new rural elites, ten residents and three local government officers are selected participants. Data analysis of this paper applied grounded theory approach.

          The main results in this research are summarized as follows: 1) there are four major functions on new rural elites and five requirements and seven steps for their selection. 2) The evaluation of local people and government on new rural elite can be divided into positive and negative aspects. 3) The new rural elite in Chongqing mainly adopt practical solutions and fundamental solutions to local Confucianism-Law conflicts.

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How to Cite
Zhao, R. (2021). Chinese Governance Model of the New Rural Elite in Yongchuan, Chongqing: A Case of Confucianism-law Conflict. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 9(5), 1765–1778. สืบค้น จาก


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