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เมธประจักษ์ เติมกิจขจรสุข
พระปราโมทย์ วาทโกวิโท
พระมหาหรรษา ธมฺมหาโส


The purpose of this research aimed at presenting a model of Motivational Speaking Techniques in volunteering by Buddhist Peaceful Means. It was a qualitative research.
The sample of this study was motivational-speaking volunteers. They were selected by purposive sampling using a semi-structured interview with 14 respondents. The data from the interview was analyzed with the related literature review. 

             The research findings were a model of motivational speaking techniques, which is called “SPEAK-HANSA Model” was developed based on the Buddhist doctrines as follows: the Four Bases of Social Solidarity (Saṅgahavatthu); Dhamma of Bodhisattva, namely Purity (Suddhi), Wisdom (Paññā), Loving-kindness (Mettā), and Tolerance (Khanti); and the Four Sublime States of Mind (Brahmavihāra). In short, the important principles consist of dedication, patience and caring. The SPEAK model for the speaking techniques has the following meanings: “S” refers to Story Telling of Personal Experiences to the audiences as an example; “P” refers to Present Moment by being mindful and concentrate on the audiences; “E” refers to Emotion as a stimulus to gain interest from the audiences; “A” refers to Asking Question; and “K” refers to Knowledge sharing of what the speaker is skilled in. The expected results of the audiences are called HANSA which refers as follows: “H” refers to Happiness; “A” refers to Awareness; “N” refers to New Behavior”; “S” refers to Self-esteem; and “A” refers to Achievement, in order words, a commitment to achievement.

             The research result is the new knowledge on a model of the motivational speaking techniques in volunteering for applying to the motivational speaking for various groups of people to have a positive change by starting from a small group to a wider society in the end.

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How to Cite
เติมกิจขจรสุข เ., วาทโกวิโท พ. ., & ธมฺมหาโส พ. . (2020). รูปแบบเทคนิคการพูดสร้างแรงบันดาลใจในการทำงานจิตอาสาโดยพุทธสันติวิธี. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 8(3), 870–881. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/239853


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